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I was thinking," observed Herman, "of an hour or two at the Hungaria." The Hungaria! Something in Peter's pleasure-hungry heart leaped, but he mocked his fellow-clerk. "Since when," he inquired, "have you frequented the Hungaria? "I feel in the mood," was the somewhat sullen reply. "I work hard enough, God knows, to have a little pleasure now and then." Danger was making him shrewd.

You whisper honeyed forgiveness for passional sins. You always excite tears and gratitude. But, in the end, your "Consolation" turns out only another "Liebestraum." No doubt, you loved your native land. But your patriotism recalls dangerously the restaurant Magyar, the fiddler in the frogged coat. You draw from your violin passionate laments. In a sort of ecstasy you celebrate Hungaria.

All sorts of merchants come here from the land of Babylon, from the land of Shinar, from Persia, Media, and all the sovereignty of the land of Egypt, from the land of Canaan, and the empire of Russia , from Hungaria, Patzinakia , Khazaria , and the land of Lombardy and Sepharad.

Opinion polls periodically conducted by GfK Hungaria, a market research group owned by GfK Germany, paint a more mixed picture. On the one hand, even in countries with a devout following of EU accession, such as Romania, support for integration has declined this year. Support in Hungary and Poland, on the other hand, picked up. Yet, the EU can't seem to get its act together.

I invested a dollar in the liberty of Hungaria nearly fifteen years ago. A piece hath its victories no less than war. "Blessed are the Piece-makers." That is Scripture. The night of the "comic oration" is come, and the speaker is arranging his back hair in the star dressing-room of the theatre.

I must trust to luck trust to luck," I said to myself, desperately, as Marianne dressed me. "By and by I'll think it all out." But after that my part gave me no more time to think. I was not Maxine de Renzie, but Princess Hélène of Hungaria, whose tragic fate was even more sure and swift than miserable Maxine's.