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"People laughed at his practical jokes, but they loved his pluck, his courage, his adventurous spirit, his contempt for danger, his shrewd insight, his unfailing good humour, his reckless energy: all qualities that stood out at a period when the most active virtues of our race had reached their zenith, the period of the motor car and the aeroplane....

Harry Ormond instantly, sensible of his error, made proper apologies, and erred no farther. But Marcus O'Shane in particular, who was not accustomed to endure anything, much less any person, that crossed his humour, spoke of Dr. Cambray afterwards with vindictive bitterness, and with all his talents of mimicry endeavoured to make him ridiculous.

"What mean you, father?" she replied, with something like an effort to respond to his humour. "Why, then, Rachel," he said, "to be out with it, I want to know whether you have fixed your heart on any one." "Only upon you, dear father," she replied, with a smile which struggled against her seriousness. "Nay, Rachel," continued he. "It is no light matter, and I must have an answer.

They bear testimony, on the one hand, to Byron's capability of patience, and frequent sweetness of temper under trial; on the other, to Kennedy's utter want of humour, and to his courageous honesty.

"It is something I cannot tell; don't ask me. I will write it. Leave me now please leave me; no one shall know that you have been here, no one must know what has passed between us." Miss Joliffe came back from the Dorcas meeting a little downhearted and out of humour. Things had not gone so smoothly as usual.

"I thought," he cried; but suddenly the humour of our meeting came over him. Thrusting his hands into his pockets, he broke out into a hearty burst of laughter, and I could do nothing but follow. "And so, Master Frisby, you rode down the east road." "And you, methinks, rode down the south." Again our laughter rang through the woods. "Come," he cried, "which is it to be?

"Small desire hath Count Maurice to follow the wars," said one who fancied himself an acute observer at exactly this epoch. "And whereas it might be supposed that in respect to his birth and place, he would affect the chief military command in these countries, it is found by experience had of his humour, that there is no chance of his entering into competition with the others."

Once at Vailima they were all playing a game called "Truth," in which each person writes a list of the qualities courage, humour, beauty, etc. supposed to be possessed by the others, with the corresponding ratio in numbers, ten being the maximum. Louis put his wife down as ten for beauty.

But in an instant Colonel Bohun had recovered his own cruel good humour and laughed, showing two dog-like front teeth under his yellow moustache. "In that case, my dear Wilfred," he said quite carelessly, "it was wise for the last of the Bohuns to come out partially in armour." And he took off the queer round hat covered with green, showing that it was lined within with steel.

But, though this correction awed them a little for the present, it did not mend their thievish disposition; for which reason they resolved to seek out some other place, where they might enjoy some repose in safety. No order or form of government was observed to subsist among these natives of the Ladrones, but every one seemed to live according to his own humour or inclination.