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Down every glen flows a noisy mountain stream, dashing along its rocky course with so many tiny waterfalls and impatient splashes, that the gurgling and bubbling of brooks come up even into the quietness of the tableland and mingle with the singing of the birds and the humming of the bees among the heather.

In the vast epic of the Cosmos, evoked when the "Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" an epic printed in stars on blue abysses of illimitable space; in illuminated type of rose leaf, primrose petal, scarlet berry on the great greenery of field and forest; in the rainbows that glow on tropical humming birds, on Himalayan pheasants, on dying dolphins in purple seas; and in all the riotous carnival of color on Nature's palette, from shifting glory of summer clouds, to the steady fires of red autumn skies we find no blot, no break, no blurred abortive passages, until man stepped into creation's story.

Carter and Simpkins turned up at the office one afternoon very much in earnest about it all and persuaded that a little British grit was what was needed in Cuba, "to keep things humming." Simpkins recalled his old army days and the valour he had several times displayed when under the influence of liquor.

You don't expect me to make a toilette, because I can't?" "Nothing of the sort," he assured her. "Come as you are." She kept him waiting barely five minutes. She was still wearing her smart traveling suit and the little toque which she had worn when she left home. She walked down the street with him, humming gayly. "Have you read the English papers this morning, Julien?" she asked.

"Lord, but this is a big, wild country," he was saying enthusiastically, "and the people in it are big and " "Wild," supplied Andy. "Yes, you've just about got us sized up correct." He went on hammering, and humming under his breath, and thinking that, while admiration is all right in its time and place, it is sometimes a bit wearisome. "Oh, but I didn't mean that," the young man protested.

The sky was bright and blue, and fair white clouds moved slowly over its surface; the air was sunny and warm, with bumble-bees humming about some late-flowering shrubs; and, high in the air, floated two great turkey-buzzards, with a beauty of motion surpassed by no other flying thing, with never a movement of their wide-spread wings, except to give them the necessary inclination as they rose with the wind, and then turned and descended in a long sweep, only to rise again and complete the circle; sailing thus for hours, around and around, their shadows moving over the fields below them.

The youth who had wished to throw the fair unknown a dozen bouquets, caught himself frowning at this brilliant prospect for her, which was to give him his opportunity. The next morning there were many "tra-las" and "tum-te-turns" over the family breakfast-table; a constant humming and crying, "I have it"; and after two or three bars, baffled pauses and confusion of mind. Mr.

Your dress on the stairs; your voice calling 'Dad! dad! from the garden, and humming little tunes I'd never heard till you sang 'em, coming in with your arms full of leaves and flowers. Seems like months you've filled me, and it's only four days. No, I'm not contented, Amaryllis, but I'm damned happy."

Drucken Wabster's wife spread the news, of course, and that night it went humming through the town that young Gourlay had the horrors, and was throwing tumblers at his mother! "Puir body!" said the baker, in the long-drawn tones of an infinite compassion "puir body!" "Ay," said Toddle dryly, "he'll be wanting to put an end to her next, after killing his faither."

Just as the corporal was humming, to begin in waddled Dr. Slop. 'Tis not two-pence matter the corporal shall go on in the next chapter, let who will come in. Well, my good doctor, cried my father sportively, for the transitions of his passions were unaccountably sudden, and what has this whelp of mine to say to the matter?