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Yet, for the life of him, he could not help glancing back once over his shoulder, to see the creature which he had humbugged, luring it from its forest shelter, and which now pursued him.

"He humbugged his customers then didn't he?" "His assistants did only the heavy work, while Rubens furnished the design, and gave the work its finishing touches. The celebrated sculptors do not perform all the drudgery of chiselling out a statue. Wherever you go in Antwerp, you will hear of Rubens.

It was no longer a matter of attacking others, but of defending himself and saving the heads of his two companions. A little memorandum, which I have copied from one of the note-books in which he often jots down a summary of the situations that perplex him, will show us the workings of his brain: "One definite fact, to begin with, is that Gilbert and Vaucheray humbugged me.

I had no idea that he was so very ill, and I shall never forget the effect which my questions about the ghost produced upon him. When I came and told the Persian of the poor result of my visit to M. Poligny, the daroga gave a faint smile and said: "Poligny never knew how far that extraordinary blackguard of an Erik humbugged him."

Behind her there, protected and amused and, as it were, exquisitely humbugged the Principino, in whom he delights, always aiding he has safely and serenely enough suffered the conditions of his life to pass for those he had sublimely projected. He hadn't worked them out in detail any more than I had, heaven pity me! and the queerness has been, exactly, in the detail.

Jefferson, and dad, and Uncle Dick went to see." "When?" "The other day. Didn't they tell you about it?" "No, sir." When Mr. Mole addressed his pupil as "sir," young Jack knew pretty well that he thought he was being humbugged. There is an old saying "Jack was as good as his master." Putting on a look of injured innocence, he called his comrade Harry to corroborate what he had said.

As soon as it was known that Meiggs had fled, the town was full of rumors, and everybody was running to and fro to secure his money. His debts amounted to nearly a million dollars. The Hamburg house which, had been humbugged, were heavy losers and failed, I think.

You thought you made a great stroke in at once proposing to Miss Griffin do not mind it, my love, he really loves you now very sincerely! when, in fact, you would have done much better to have read the rest of the will. You were completely bitten, my boy humbugged, bamboozled ay, and by your old father, you dog.

The sharp people who were determined 'not to be humbugged, anyhow, still declared that Commodore Nutt was General Tom Thumb, and that the little fellow whom I was trying to pass off as Tom Thumb, was no more like the General than he was like the man in the moon. It is very amusing to see how people will sometimes deceive themselves by being too incredulous.

"Here is prosper tee," laughed Lucien, holding up a half-pint bottle of vin rouge. "Yes," Burke retorted, "an' ye have four pound of cotton waste in the bottom o' that bucket to trow the grub t' the top. Begad, I'd vote for O'Bryan wid an empty pail er none at all before I'd be humbugged." "Un I," said Lucien, "would pour Messieur Rousveau vote if my baskett shall all the way up be cotton."