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Shimerda came running down the basement stairs, out of breath and screeching: "Baby come, baby come!" she says. "Ambrosch much like devil!" 'Brother William is surely a patient man. He was just ready to sit down to a hot supper after a long day in the fields. Without a word he rose and went down to the barn and hooked up his team. He got us over there as quick as it was humanly possible.

Excepting that peace which, through God's infinite mercy, is derived from a higher source, it is to literature, humanly speaking, that I am beholden, not only for the means of subsistence, but for every blessing which I enjoy; health of mind and activity of mind, contentment, cheerfulness, continual employment, and therewith continual pleasure.

The constable thought as quickly as it was humanly possible for him to think. He had no doubt in his mind that this unhappy youth had fired the shots which had ended the life of the man on the floor. "Stay here," he said again, and again went out to blow his whistle. He walked this time on the lawn by the side of the drive toward the road.

Fannie, in turn, cried out against this substitution, but the gentle shepherd explained that what mercy could not obtain official etiquette compelled. "Tell us about John March," interposed the General. "They say you saved his life." "I reckon I did, sir, humanly speakin'." The Parson told the lurid story, Fannie holding Barbara's hand as they listened.

Brethren, I speak humanly; to use a similitude, a man's testament, if it be passed in legal form, no man can vacate, or add thereunto. But to Abraham were the promises spoken, and to his seed. He saith not, To seeds, as unto many persons; but as to an individual, and to thy seed, which is Christ.

And if this is not the good sort, the divinely pious, the humanly noble, Fashionable Society feels it to be so, and can hit no nearer. Denis and the Virgin, but by Sun-god Belleisle and the Chateauroux, under these sad new conditions! Which did not prosper as expected.

By means of cunningly placed blankets the medical authorities did all that was humanly possible to mitigate the terrible jolting, but with all their care and ingenuity even the shortest journey in a cacolet was a nightmare. The miracle was that even the uninjured men could endure so much.

Moreover, I had just read a charming letter which Sir Robert Egerton had sent him on resigning his appointment as Military Secretary to take up more active duty to his country. Yet it was just at this juncture when, humanly speaking, there was no cause for any special anxiety that I woke up one morning with the gloomiest and most miserable forebodings about this special brother.

"As I now understand the position taken by this congregation in 1803, I see that so far as it may be considered a distinctive religious movement, it is distinctive only in its denial of the binding authority of human organizations, and in its renunciation of humanly devised creeds as unscriptural and as opposed to the simplicity and unity of Christian people.

Humanly speaking John is the artist while he is an exile on the Island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. The words he uses and the figures he presents are suggested by his surroundings, and it would be difficult to imagine anything more uplifting than the book of Revelation if it be properly studied and understood.