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A cloud of feathery ice flies from the heels of the skaters as they "bring to" and turn at the flagstaffs. Something black is coming now, one of the boys: it is all we know. He has touched the vox humana stop of the crowd: it fairly roars. Now they come nearer: we can see the red cap. There's Ben, there's Peter, there's Hans! Hans is ahead.

But God's will be done, humana perpessi sumus. Sir John of Bradwardine Black Sir John, as he is called who was the common ancestor of our house and the Inch-Grabbits, little thought such a person would have sprung from his loins. Mean time, he has accused me to some of the primates, the rulers for the time, as if I were a cut-throat, and an abettor of bravoes and assassinates and coupe-jarrets.

"Si plura nitent in carmine, non ego paucis Offendar maculis, quas aut incuria fudit, Aut humana parum cavit natura." You may please also to observe that there is not, to the best of my remembrance, one vowel gaping on another for want of a caesura in this whole poem.

Then I frayned at Faith what all that fare meant, And who should joust in Jerusalem: 'Jesus, he said, 'And fetch that the fiend claimeth: Piers' fruit the Plowman. 'Is Piers in this place? quoth I: and he winked at me, 'This Jesus of His gentrice will joust in Piers' armes, In his helme and in his habergeon, humana natura."

The storm grew silent; hidden birds sprang forth filling the air with glad, ecstatic music, rising higher and higher until the last faint note was lost in the distance. The vox humana was stilled, but in the glorious hymn of thanksgiving that now arose, one could almost hear the throbbing of a human heart. What did it mean? That man's imploring cry should in time be met with a deep content?

He pulled out the stop marked "Vox Humana" and begged his Hearers to lift the sword of Justice and with it smite the Deluge of Organized Wealth which was crouched and ready to spring upon the Common People. In pleading the cause of Labor, he spoke as an expert, for once he had strung a Clothes-Line for his Mother. He got the biggest Hand of any one at the Exercises.

I can fancy, however, that it might tire in time, if one were not a botanist, without the resource of women's society. The ladies staying here were probably all accomplished botanists, and the writer is indebted to one of them for a list of plants found on Roan, among which is an interesting weed, catalogued as Humana, perplexia negligens. The species is, however, common elsewhere.

Si la gloria humana no es sueño, Gorostiza alcanzóla ese día, recibiendo sus palmas en el respeto y la admiración de sus adversarios. Cf. Justin Smith thus characterizes him: "a witty, agreeable man of the world, Mexican by birth, Spanish by education, the author of some clever dramas, but not professionally a topographer, a lawyer or even a diplomat."

If canine rabies is a fearful subject to contemplate, there is a sadder and deeper significance in rabies humana; in that awful madness of the human race which is marked by a thirst for blood and a rage for destruction.

In the meanwhile," he pulled a small book out of his pocket, "I have here a dainty brochure, entitled, 'Vox Humana Its Ascendancy over Mere Noise' otherwise, 'Handbook for Physical Training. I may say I was partly responsible for its production." "I believe you, faith!" said the Fleet Surgeon bitterly, over the top of the B.M.J. The Indiarubber Man wheeled round.