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To the accustomed ears the whistle and clank of a checked and angry pilot-engine might have been discerned amid the hullabaloo; but to one whose experience in such matters was small, it might have seemed as though six or seven mad engines were sitting up on end, like monster rabbits on a bank, pawing the air and screaming out their hearts in the wild delirium of unlimited power and ungovernable fury.

"Winkleman read the labels on my bottles," he said sternly. "I have simply used the pilocarpin." "The pilocarpin! But that was destroyed!" So unmistakably genuine was her cry of amazement that Kingozi's heart leaped with joy. She had not known! He took a step toward the couch. But at this moment a wild hullabaloo broke out in the camp. Men yelled and shouted. Some one began to blow a horn.

"Piracy!" cried Cleigh, coming out of his maze. "Maritime law calls it that, but it isn't really. No pannikins of rum, no fifteen men on a dead man's chest. Parlour stuff, you might call it. The whole affair the parlour side of it depends upon whether you purpose to act philosophically under stress or kick up a hullabaloo. In the latter event you may reasonably expect some rough stuff.

Asking what the hullabaloo was about, a fellow told me that Lord Crossborough had come up from the country suddenly, and was "a-keeping of his jubilee" at No. 20B. "Half the Gaiety's there, to say nothing of the Merry Widow," says he, as I pushed past him, "and don't you be in a hurry, guv'nor, 'cause you've forgotten yer diamond collar.

There were the Fire People, many of them, looking at us and pointing at us, and more were crawling out of the caves. We sat up to watch, and forgot all about paddling. There was a great hullabaloo on the shore. Some of the Fire-Men discharged their bows at us, and a few of the arrows fell near us, but the range was too great. It was a great day for Lop-Ear and me.

'I 'ouldn't take twenty pounds for that dog, said Mr Prothero when he returned to the house, and sat down to breakfast. 'Hadn't we better send to look for them? asked Mrs Prothero timidly. 'I'll see 'em hanged first. What! go and make another hullabaloo all through the country, as if one wasn't enough in one house.

But he soon saw his mistake: for Grimes always looked a man in the face; and this fellow never did. "Here we are again!" cried he, like the clown in a pantomime. "So you can't feel frightened, my little dear eh? I'll do that for you. I'll make an impression on you! Yah! Boo! Whirroo! Hullabaloo!"

Fortescue and Anita got home it was Christmas morning, and the stars that led the Magi to the crib at Bethlehem were shining gloriously in the blue-black sky. At daybreak began the hullabaloo which attends Christmas morning in a house where there is an adored child, and only one.

He looked at the letter. "Lem Hallowell' says there hain't nobody to take it." "Jonah Winch's!" exclaimed Wetherell. "Jonah made it go, but that was before all this hullabaloo about Temperance Cadets and what not. Jonah sold good rum, but now you can't get nothin' in Coniston but hard cider and potato whiskey.

The hullabaloo of the crowd, the reports of the mortars, the crackle of Roman candles bursting in the sky, the hiss of the rockets, the rain of sparks, the sudden flashes of white, red or blue light: none of this disturbs the worker, who methodically turns and turns again, just as she does in the peace of ordinary evenings.