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"Nothin' rougher thin 'No, ma'am, and 'Yes, ma'am, I ever heard him say to her. Whirroo, Bridget, you should ha' heard him whin his timper was up givin' it to us long ago in the barrack square. I hope it isn't the suppressed gout she'll be giving him the next time! 'Tisn't half as bad whin it's out." However, the storms were few and far between. The household lived by rule.

"A thousand guineas on Katty! M'Carthy agin Gallagher for ever! whirroo!" "Blur alive the flure's not benefittin by you, Paddy. Lay on it, man! That's it! Bravo! Whish! Our side agin Europe!" "Success, Paddy! Why you could dance the Dusty Miller upon a flure paved wid drawn razures, you're so soople." "Katty for ever! The blood's in you, Katty; you'll win the day, a ban choir! More power to you!"

An' that's how it'll be wid the lazy ones once we get Home Rule, which means the land for nothin' or next to nothin'. Barney will kick up his heels and roar whirroo, but call again in a year an' ye'll see he hasn't enough money to jingle on a tombstone."

The report of the Tuam Herald reads like a faction fight in a whiskey-shop. You can hear the trailing of coats, the crack of shillelaghs on thick Irish skulls, the yells of hurroosh, whirroo, and O'Donnell aboo! Towards the end your high-wrought imagination can almost smell the sticking plaister, so vivid is the picture.

" Because," said Coleman impressively,, " that is why I came to Greece. It was all planned. See?" "Whirroo," exclaimed Peter. "This here is magic." " No magic at all." Coleman displayed some complacence. " No magic at all. just pure, plain whatever you choose to call it." " Holy smoke," said Peter, admiring the situation. "Why, this is plum romance, Coleman. I'm blowed if it isn't."

At any rate as good as a Dook, if not precisely in the peerage. Involuntarily at the thought of his funds Hoopdriver's right hand left the handle and sought his breast pocket, to be immediately recalled by a violent swoop of the machine towards the cemetery. Whirroo! Just missed that half-brick! Mischievous brutes there were in the world to put such a thing in the road.

Macushla, mavourneen, tare-an'-ouns! whirroo! Bloody ind to the Pope!" "Toby," said Moriarty, with a calmness intended to seem ominous; "if I had a gun in my hand, I'd shoot you like a wild-dog. But I suppose I'd get into trouble for it," he continued scornfully.

But he soon saw his mistake: for Grimes always looked a man in the face; and this fellow never did. "Here we are again!" cried he, like the clown in a pantomime. "So you can't feel frightened, my little dear eh? I'll do that for you. I'll make an impression on you! Yah! Boo! Whirroo! Hullabaloo!"

They are as contented as can be, and we never hear a word of complaint. We have not heard a grumble since the line was started a year or two ago. These Home Rulers will say anything but their prayers, and them they whistle. Since the work came from the Tories it must be bad. There must be a curse on it. Now, my lads, shove it up, shove it up! Look out! In wid it, thin! Whirroo!"

O'Brien to the rescue, whirroo! He rushed from Dublin, and told the Tipperary men to pay Smith-Barry no rent. If they paid a penny they were traitors, slaves, murderers, felons, brigands, and bosthoons.