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"No, lawyer," replied Elfreda with equal brevity. "Huh!" grunted the guide. "Were you hit anywhere else?" "A few scratches, that's all." Miss Briggs demanded that he show her, which he did. Both lower limbs were, as he had told her, scratched by bullets that had grazed them, and these surface wounds she also dressed.

The man's family, his son Jean, his daughter-in-law and his two grandchildren were standing a few feet behind him, bewildered and affrighted. The colonel went on: "Do you also know who killed all the scouts who have been found dead, for a month, throughout the country, every morning?" The old man answered with the same stupid look: "I did." "You killed them all?" "Uh huh! I did." "You alone?

"I'm trying to warn you that the bozo you're after carries one of those new needle-guns, and the needles are poison-tipped. Also, he's the fastest man on the draw I've ever seen I watched him practice. Just one of those needles and you'd be kaput before you could yell." "Why ... how ... what d'you mean, huh, what d'you mean?"

Day, with wondering satisfaction, more than once declared, "it does seem as though your Pa, Marty, has a whole lot more time to gad abeout now than he use ter yet we're gettin' along better. I don't understand it." "Huh!" grunted Marty. "See all the work I do. Don't ye s'pose that counts none?" Janice merely smiled quietly as she heard this conversation.

"Wot yo' mean, Tom?" "We saw her send five of them away this evening she told 'em to go to the cemetery and stay there awhile." "Wot! Yo' is fooling dis chile!" "It is absolutely true," said Sam. "I am quite sure she has seven children." "Huh! If dat's de case dat Thomas nigger can hab her," grumbled Aleck, and walked on. "But I ain't takin' yo' word fo' dis," he added cautiously.

"Huh!" snorted Horatio Juggins, skeptically, "I've always heard that ghosts don't mind ordinary birdshot any more'n an alligator would. But then fetch it along, Owen; it'll no doubt make us feel a little better when we find ourselves up in that terribly lonely tract of country. And who knows but what there might be a stray wildcat abroad in those woods.

Huh! just like Slippery Steve to get out of the hard work we've going to have cutting enough brush for making our shanty shelter tonight; seeing that we didn't fetch our bully old tent along this trip. He's a nice one, I should say." "N-n-never you m-m-mind about Steve, Bandy-legs.

This is no camp meeting outfit that plays week stands." "Can't." "Why not?" " 'Cause they're dead." "Huh! Why didn't you say so before?" "You didn't ask me." "You're too smart, young man." "Takes a smart man to be a circus man, doesn't it?" "I guess you're right at that," answered the showman, his stern features relaxing into a smile. "You'll do.

And the man who helps folks move mountains'll keep ye right in this shack.... I air thinkin' that'd suit ye some, huh?" Andy looked at her meltingly. "I'd ruther be here than any place in the hull world," he murmured in reverent humility. "Then," avowed Tess, "I air a goin' Oh, Andy, I got to tell ye somethin', honey, an' I " "What?" gasped Andy, faintly. Tess paused an instant.

"Bet your boots, Uncle Andy," agreed the Babe enthusiastically. "Specially these teeth, 'cause they're my first, and I'll lose 'em soon, anyway." "Huh!" grunted Uncle Andy, looking at him suspiciously. "But, as I was saying, the Water Babies could swim. They were no match for Dagger Bill, however, who was quicker than a fish.