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The ravines and glens were covered with snow, but the sides of the rugged rocks were bare in their eternal hue of ferruginous brown. The little knoll on which the Refuge stood was also nearly naked, the wind having driven the light particles of the snow into the ravine of the path.

As they crossed the bridge, the clear steeples of the many churches looked as if they had advanced out of the murk that usually enshrouded them, and come much nearer. The smoke that rose into the sky had lost its dingy hue and taken a brightness upon it. The beauties of the sunset had not faded from the long light films of cloud that lay at peace in the horizon.

Where the sea is dark blue, you may be sure that it is deep where it looks gold and purple, the sun has tinged it with the glory of his rising and setting; where it is grey and sad, it takes its sorrowful hue from the rain-clouds overhead.

He looked an old man; his gentle scholar's face had taken an ashen hue; and his eyes were the eyes of one who has only partially recovered from the blow that has prostrated him. "My dear child," he said; "my dear daughter," and laid his hand on her shoulder. She clung to him, feeling a passionate pity, not for herself, but for him. "You have too much to bear," she murmured caressingly.

Then the tire-women took off the veil and displayed the bride in her first dress of red satin, and she moved to and fro with a languorous grace, till the heads of all the men and women were turned by her loveliness, for she was even as says the excellent poet: Like a sun at the end of a cane in a hill of sand, She shines in a dress of the hue of pomegranate-flower.

Dark hedges, dark trees in the distance they look almost black nearer at hand the smallest branches devoid of leaves are clearly defined against the sky. As the northerly wind drifts the clouds before it the sun shines down, and the dead, dry grass and the innumerable tufts of the 'leaze' which the cattle have not eaten, take a dull grey hue.

She considered a moment, and then rushed to the cabinet where Felicia's pernicious gift was deposited. There indeed she found it with its "bright tint turned to a sickly and disgusting hue."

"Yes, the electric light was burnin' at the corner, and he'd seen him several times driving by the 'barks." Was the officer present? now? "Yes," and Reilly's face reddened to meet the hue of his hair.

In the morning, one might say, his face was of a fine florid hue, but after twelve o'clock, meridian his dinner hour it blazed like a grate full of Christmas coals; and continued blazing but, as it were, with a gradual wane till six o'clock, P.M., or thereabouts; after which, I saw no more of the proprietor of the face, which, gaining its meridian with the sun, seemed to set with it, to rise, culminate, and decline the following day, with the like regularity and undiminished glory.

No snow was falling, but great whirls and clouds of flakes, swept up from the ground by the frantic winds, were streaming southward with the speed of bullets. The covered land was blue with the sheen of an unearthly satin, and there was no other hue save where, at the low, black railway station which seemed incredibly distant one light gleamed like a tiny jewel.