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The court dress of débutantes at Berlin is not necessarily white, though that is the hue most affected. The long court train may be of an entirely different material and color from the dress itself, if the wearer pleases, the only stipulation made being that the richness and splendor of the fabric must be beyond question.

Her heart leapt at the sight of him and her cheeks seemed to catch the hue of the wild rose on her bosom. Then she straightened her dress a little and walked on. In less than a minute they had met. "I heard where you had gone and came to meet you," he said awkwardly.

At the next instant, his master was at the throat of the offender, throttling him till he was black in the face. The unlucky stone had come from Conrad. Forgetful of his assumed character, he had joined in the hue and cry against a dog whose character and service should have been sufficiently known to him, at least, to prove his protection, and had given; the crudest blow of all.

"The surprise is mutual, I assure you, sir," rejoined Clarence, coldly, and with slightly agitated manner. Hereupon ensued an embarrassing pause in the conversation, during which the ladies could not avoid observing the livid hue of Clarence's face.

How pleasant, how pleasant, the quiet old country seemed to Fleda as they went along! in that most quiet light and colouring; the brightness of the autumn glory gone, and the sober warm hue which the hills still wore seen under that hazy veil. All the home-like peace of the place was spread out to make it hard going away. Would she ever see any other so pleasant again?

Her beauty returned to his senses like a familiar thing; he had admired the way her hair grew from her temples, and to-night it was dressed to show the unusual charm; her ankles had always been wonderfully slim, and to-night they looked finer than ever atop of twinkly little Court shoes in a vivid green hue; her eyes had that deep, still look which expressed her inanity, while having the result of concealing it.

To crown all this, the preachers who had objected to his method had ere long themselves to be set aside as unfit. On one occasion when I was talking with him and had turned the conversation on this subject, he said to me: "These good people looked through coloured spectacles. They saw all things of the same hue as their own glasses.

As in the image, one hand held a book with its page turned towards the spectators, while a finger of the other pointed ahead, as if giving to the brigantine its course. The sea-green drapery was floating behind, as if it felt the influence of the air; and the face had the same dark and unearthly hue, with its malign and remarkable smile.

But for this foulness, the legs of the adjutant would be of a dark colour; but in the living bird they are never seen of the natural hue being always whitened by the dust shaken out of its plumage, and other excrement that attaches itself to the skin. The tail is black above and white underneath more especially the under coverts, which are of a pure white.

But this color is not limited to the corolla. It is also to be seen in the stems and in the stalks and veins of the leaves, which are stained with a deep purple, the blue color being added to the original green. Even on the surface of the leaves it may spread into a purplish hue. On the stems it is to be met with everywhere, and even the young seedlings show it.