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But where are Avenel and Fairfield?" Both those candidates had disappeared, perhaps gone to their own Committee-room. Meanwhile, as soon as the doors had closed on Randal and the baron, in the midst of the angry hubbub succeeding to their departure, Lord L'Estrange sprang upon the table. The action and his look stilled every sound.

The faces of these men and women shone forth wonderfully after the hubbub of living faces, and seemed, as her mother had said, to wear a marvelous dignity and calm, as if they had ruled their kingdoms justly and deserved great love. Some were of almost incredible beauty, others were ugly enough in a forcible way, but none were dull or bored or insignificant.

Sheets were flying, blocks rattling, officers shouting, and a number of the men on deck pulling and hauling, made a hubbub so that I escaped aft unperceived, and was able to join Mark at one of the ropes it was his duty to attend to. As there was no one near, I was able to tell him by snatches what I had heard. "I'm not surprised," he answered.

Such a hubbub never was heard. Every one is talking or shouting at the top of their voices, women screaming, beggars whining, fruit and water sellers jingling their cymbals, while from the coppersmiths' quarter hard by comes a deafening accompaniment in the shape of beaten metal.

"Well, I wouldn't care two cents about her, if it wasn't that it was through her that Wally got shot." "Poor Wally! An' jest as we was fillin' up ther grave of ther other two, too. Well, yer didn't finish their job, did yer?" "No; when we heard ther hubbub inside we stopped an' run in." "An' left Young Wild West out there alone, eh?" "Yes; but he couldn't git away; you know that well enough."

As he vanished he heard the hubbub behind him break out anew, fiercer than it had been before. But he nothing heeded it. He found himself face to face with a servant, who shrank before him, staring as those in the courtyard had stared. His heart sank. It was plain that he came a little late already; that the tale had got there ahead of him. "Where is your mistress?" said he.

The kitchen of the public-house was a large one, and many people were drinking in it; there was a confused hubbub of voices. I sat down on a bench behind a deal table, of which there were three or four in the kitchen; presently a bulky man, in a green coat, of the Newmarket cut, and without a hat, entered, and observing me, came up, and in rather a gruff tone cried: "Want anything, young fellow?"

Quarles, who evinced more affection for her nephew than any thought him worthy of exciting she wrung her hands, wept, offered rewards, bustled about every where, and kept calling blubberingly for "Simon poor dear Simon." At length, that fearful hue and cry began to subside the hubbub came to be quieter: neighbour-folks went home, and inmates went to bed.

He drank indeed at one draught to pluck up a heart of any grace for it thundered long rumblingly over all the heavens so that Master Madden, being godly certain whiles, knocked him on his ribs upon that crack of doom and Master Bloom, at the braggart's side, spoke to him calming words to slumber his great fear, advertising how it was no other thing but a hubbub noise that he heard, the discharge of fluid from the thunderhead, look you, having taken place, and all of the order of a natural phenomenon.

Suddenly, on the right bank, was heard a distant hubbub, then a dull noise as if giant pumps were working in the dark. It was several hundred elephants, that, satiated by the woody roots which they had devoured during the day, came to quench their thirst before the hour of repose.