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Some seven years ago a great outcry was made concerning the Housing of the Poor. Much was said, and rightly said it could not be said too strongly concerning the disease-breeding, manhood-destroying character of many of the tenements in which the poor herd in our large cities. But there is a depth below that of the dweller in the slums.

What she did not know about housing problems, factory acts, female prisons, hospitals, asylums for the blind, decayed gentlewomen, sweated trades, dogs' homes and Friendly Societies could not be considered in the light of knowledge. She sat on platforms with Royal princesses, Archbishops welcomed her as a colleague, and Cabinet Ministers sought her counsel.

Reading the article he found even more matter to hold his attention. The item was dated Miami, Fla., and read as follows: "Much curiosity has been excited here by the sudden appearance of a tent housing a huge air-ship. The aerial camp is located at a point several miles south of town. The tent is guarded by men armed with shotguns and no one is allowed to approach anywhere near it.

Better sanitation, improved housing, purer milk supply, and segregation of vice which seems to mean putting some of the viler smelling slime of the gutter, the slimer slime, all over in one guttered section by itself. But there can be no health there. It's a change of location that is needed! The wondrous Jesus-plan is different. It holds things in poise. Grace and truth.

Suddenly, a railway line, a steep descent and we are full in its midst again. On our left an encampment of Nissen huts so called from their inventor, a Canadian officer those new and ingenious devices for housing troops, or labour battalions, or coloured workers, at an astonishing saving both of time and material.

I'll go get a couple of Standishes, and another suit of armor we'd better dig in," and soon the small room became a veritable fortress, housing as it did, those two formidable engines of destruction. Then the first officer made another and longer trip, returning with a complete suit of triplanetary space armor, exactly like those worn by the two men, but considerably smaller.

The two tents housing the four white members of the Bumper party were close together, and it was decided that the night would be divided into four watches, to guard against possible treachery on the part of the Beecher crowd. "It seems an unkind precaution to take against a fellow scientist," said Professor Bumper, "but I can not afford to take chances after what has occurred."

The safeguarding of the rights of our citizens must be accompanied by an equal regard for their opportunities for development and their protection from economic insecurity. In this Nation the ideals of freedom and equality can be given specific meaning in terms of health, education, social security, and housing.

"My child lived; and what remained to me of human passion and longing centered in his frail existence. I managed to earn enough for his eating and housing, and in time I was almost happy again.

The Bigwig smiled charming, rather whimsical, that smile. "Honestly, I'm not up to it. The spirit, you know, but the flesh ! My line is housing and wages, of course." 'There it is, thought Felix. It's all fiddling. One won't give up his shooting; another won't give up his power; a third won't give up her week-ends; a fourth won't give up his freedom.