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I pressed Groholsky's hand, and got into the train. He bowed towards the carriage, and went to the water-barrel I suppose he was thirsty! IT was still in the drawing-room, so still that a house-fly that had flown in from outside could be distinctly heard brushing against the ceiling. Olga Ivanovna, the lady of the villa, was standing by the window, looking out at the flower-beds and thinking. Dr.

Daniel D. Jackson's report to the Merchants' Association of New York on the "Pollution of New York Harbor as a Menace to the Health by the Dissemination of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House-fly," he shows graphically that the prevalence of typhoid and other intestinal diseases is coincident with the prevalence of flies, and that the greatest number of deaths from such diseases occurs near the river front where the open or poorly constructed sewers scatter the filth where the flies can feed on it, or along the wharves with their inadequate accommodations and the resulting accumulation of filth.

Nearly all the other flies that are apt to be mistaken for the house-fly do not have this vein curved forward. The wings, although apparently bare, are covered with a fine microscopic pubescence. Or they may get on our food as the fly feeds or while it rests and combs its body with the rows of coarse hairs on its legs.

Nor, whether ceilings be fretted with gold and ivory, or whether only coloured with whitewash, does it matter to Care any more than it does to a house-fly. But every tree, be it cedar or blackthorn, can harbour its singing-bird; and few are the homes in which, from nooks least suspected, there starts not a music.

L.O. Howard discusses the economic importance of several of the insects that carry disease. I wish to quote two or three paragraphs from the pages in which he discusses the house-fly or typhoid fly to show the opinion of this excellent authority in regard to this pest.

Naturalists tell us that no less than three hundred distinct species of butterflies are found in Cuba, ranging in size from a common house-fly to a humming-bird. The day dies with a suddenness almost startling, so that one passes from sunshine to starlight as if by magic.

These, as perfumes and unguents, really served, not merely to gratify the olfactory sense, but to destroy by their chemical action the germs of disease. Now we shall destroy the pools in which they breed, just as we are destroying the manure heaps in which the house-fly breeds.

It is a house-fly, woke up from his winter sleep, on his way across to the window-pane, where he will buzz feebly for a little while in the sunshine, flourishing best like a hothouse plant under glass. By-and-by he takes a turn or two under the centrepiece, and finally settles on the ceiling.

Not only is the house-fly an important factor in the dissemination of typhoid fever, but it has been definitely shown that it is capable of transmitting several other serious diseases. The evidence that flies carry and spread the deadly germs of cholera is most conclusive.

Helena from the coast of Guinea, and has committed such ravages in the town of St. James, that numerous people have been ruined, and the governor calls out for aid against them. In other so-called new countries a wave of English weeds follows the tide of English emigration, and so with insects; the European house-fly chases away the blue-bottle fly in New Zealand.