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No matter; one man they all gave way to, and that was Pat M'Ardle. "'Hould away, says Pat, 'clear off, boys, all of you this stroke's mine by right, any how; and, says he, swearing a terrible oath, 'if you don't sup sorrow for that stroke, says he to the Slip, 'why Pat M'Ardle's not behind you here.

"With all me heart 'twould do yer sowl good to see the work it'd give me tongue to do to hould itself," Barney gasped, trying to keep abreast of his reviler. "Be the dark eyes of Pharaoh's daughter there's a field beyant yes, and a shebeen; d'ye see that?" They had suddenly emerged in a cleared place.

I'll hould ye I'll hould ye back," and the poor creature clasped Alida with such conclusive energy that she screamed from pain and terror. "Ye shall not get away from me, ye shall not go back to evil ways. Whist, whist! Be aisy and let me plead wid ye. Think how many long, weary years I've looked for ye and waited for ye.

Brown first tried compromise, and then flattery, but she was proof against such measures. Mr. Brown. Mrs. Brown, my dear, jist come over to me now and we'll argue the matter. Mrs. Brown. No, you don't, Sergeant, ye don't catch me wid any ov ye'r compromises. I have the jug now, and I'll hould on to it. So I will. Mr. B. Shure, Honey, I was only jokin' wid ye before. Ye may hev half o' the crathur.

"I think," replied Julia, "he won't be coming again to-night. He has thrown away his trouble this time, anyhow; but ye must hould your tongue, Nosey, if ye want to save your neck; he means to have you if he can." Nosey stayed on the run some weeks longer, following his sheep.

"'Gintlemen, says he to the rest, 'we'll be disgraced all out, says he, 'for except the Prowost sacks that Munsther spalpeen, he'll bate us all, an' we'll never be able to hould up our heads afther. "Accordingly, the Prowost attacks Tim; and such a meetin' as they had, never was seen in Thrinity College since its establishment.

You thought to escape me, but you're mistaken, Mr Keene; so now, if you please, we will just have a taste of Number 2. Hould out your hand, Mr Keene: d'ye hear me sir? hould out your hand." But this I positively refused to do. "You won't, won't you?

Collier and the other strangers from behind the mountains war to go first, and the rest were to stand round the house at a distance he carried the lanthern, a bagnet, and a horse-pistol; and half a dozen more war to bring over bottles of straw from Vengeance's own haggard, to hould up to the thatch.

Finally, he thought of a remedy, and sitting down, he patiently picked some priming into the tube. This time the gun and Dublin both went off. He picked himself up slowly, and called out in a serio-comic tone of voice, committing the old Irish bull, "Hould, asy with your laffin', boys; there is sivin more loads in her yit."

"Take shame to yerself, Mary Dolan, for yer gab of quittin', with the master and Miss Eva in sore trouble," answered the second girl. "But as you say," she continued, shaking her head, "it's a gloomy old place, and if it wasn't for Miss Eva I'd not be long in going myself." "'Ave you no loyalty?" asked the butler, turning on them both. "Hould yer jaw, Johnny Bull," threatened the cook.