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"My dear sir, there are Commissionaires at all the hotels who are perfect linguists," said Mr. Firkin in a gentlemanly manner. "Oh! dear me!" said Mr. P. wiping his forehead with the red bandanna that he always carries, despite Mrs. P., "what is a commissionaire?" "An interpreter, a cicerone," said Mr. Firkin. "A guide, philosopher, and friend," said Kurz Pacha.

Adam Smith says, "All wealth comes from the soil." What he meant to say was "health," not "wealth." Men who fight well, fight for farms their homes, not flats or hotels. Indians do not fight for reservations. The sturdy come-outer is a man near the soil. Successful revolutions are always fought by farmers, and the government which they create is destroyed by city mobs.

The little quay, under the trees, squeezed in between the decks of the steamboats and the doors of the hotels, is a terrible medley of Saxon dialects a jumble of pilgrims in all the phases of devotion, equipped with book and staff, alpenstock and Baedeker.

I'm not going to have them round in my bread-trough!" "She isn't. She's at one of the hotels on the hill." "Very well, let her stay there, then. They can manage their love-affairs in their own way. The only one I care the least for is the boy." "Yes, it is forlorn for him. But he likes Mr. Kenby, and No, it's horrid, and you can't make it anything else!" "Well, I'm not trying to."

Committee on Literature will secure suitable temperance literature, and distribute it in hotels, cars, reading-rooms, depots, stores, restaurants, at public meetings, from house to house, etc. Committee on Juvenile work should be composed largely of young ladies enthusiastic in their work. There should be a representative secured, if possible, from every Sabbath and day school.

Her mother is a grand dame of the old school who has opened her home to a few choice paid guests who feel, as I do, that it is far more refreshing socially to partake of the gracious hospitality of her secluded home than to live in the noisy, vulgar hotels of the city. It was in this relation at her mother's home that I met the woman who is to join her lot with mine."

This was made of wood with what seemed to be real bark on it, and had limbs, branches, and twigs that seemed very natural. But Mr. Treadwell explained that it was all artificial, like the palms you see in some hotels and moving picture theaters. While Bunny and Sue waited, Mr.

Probably many of the croupiers in the Casino and their families had houses there, and perhaps many were shopkeepers down in the Condamine, where the cheap hotels and lodging-houses were. Few of those hotels, or the more luxurious ones at Monte Carlo itself, would exist if it were not for the Casino, and the whole Riviera would be less prosperous.

The facades of the theatre and of the hotels were outlined with thickly set little lamps, which beaded the arches of the bridges spanning the Tepl, and lighted the casements and portals of the shops.

The cooking at the hotels is good enough for common hunters and fishermen who come here from the cities to spend their money, but it isn't good enough for me. You've come to the right place, you may make your mind easy on that." Françoise smiled because he told her to make her mind easy, not because she understood the irony of his poverty.