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The oranges the natives sell are very acid, more resembling grape-fruit than the orange of Florida, but the bananas are as good as any in the world and the pine apples three of which can be bought for half a franc are equal to the finest hot-house variety.

He had the wiry frame and strong jaw without which no explorer is complete, and Mortimer, beside him, seemed but a poor, soft product of our hot-house civilization.

All day long he had been in a state of resentful irritation, he had loathed himself for having consented to marry this girl without loving her, he had branded himself inwardly as a liar and hypocrite when he had sworn his marriage vows 'before God, whereas if he truly believed in God, such vows taken untruthfully were mere blasphemy; and now she herself, a young thing tenderly brought up like a tropical flower in the enervating hot-house atmosphere of Court life, yet had such a pure, deep consciousness of God in her, that she actually could not pray with the slightest blur of a secret on her soul!

The snowy table with its silver dishes and graceful centre-piece of hot-house blooms, the crystal sparkling in the rosy glow cast by silken-shaded, massively carved lamps, the perfect, noiseless serving, and the bright conversation which flowed freely, little hindered by the different courses of soup and fish, and game and ices conversation about things that were happening in the world which seemed to be growing larger every minute, apt allusions by Mr Davis, lively sallies by Belle, and quotations by Russell from authors who seemed to be household friends, so highly were they held in reverence.

The Lambert girls the pretty twins and the younger, slim slip of a lassie, Elinor were charming, fresh, natural, unspoiled, very different from and far more to his taste than most of the young women who came to Crest House hot-house products, over-sophisticated, cynical, too familiar with rouge and cigarettes and the game of love and lure, huntresses more or less, the whole pack of them.

"I can't stand this life of inaction a minute longer. Don't stop reading on my account, Mary, dear. I don't suppose I could tempt either of you two hot-house plants to come with me, could I?" "Since it's just as hot outside as inside, I don't think you could," answered Elinor. "Perhaps Nancy will go," thought Billie, hastening down the long hall to their joint apartment.

You are at best but a delicate hot-house plant-beyond human power to develop into sufficient hardiness to be transplanted into the world of Bohemia, or into much of any world save a sheltered one. You can never be more than a semi-invalid." This sentence the great doctor pronounced only after his own opinion had been re-enforced by a conference of experts.

Well may Professor Mueller compare the Indian mind to a plant reared in a hot-house, gorgeous in colour, rich in perfume, precocious and abundant in fruit; it may be all this, 'but will never be like the oak, growing in wind and weather, striking its roots into real earth, and stretching its branches into real air, beneath the stars and sun of Heaven'; and well does he also remark, that a people of this peculiar stamp was never destined to act a prominent part in the history of the world; nay, the exhausting atmosphere of transcendental ideas could not but exercise a detrimental influence on the active and moral character of the Hindoos.

Nicholas as he appeared to the young Van Glecks, on the fifth of December. But the saint had a flowing white beard; and this face is as smooth as a pippin. It cannot be St. Nicholas, after all. Peter's sister is not one to forget her promises. She has brought bouquets of exquisite hot-house flowers for the winners.

If any criticism could be passed upon her, it was that which her father made that there was danger of the promise being anticipated by a rather premature fulfilment, and the flower that needed time forced into a hurried, hot-house bloom. "What! And leave my friends!" she exclaimed, when Derek, with some hesitation, had asked her how she would like the journey. "They would keep."