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He'll not know the difference. But the licker he gits in his'n will come outen the bottle we keep for the hosses when they have the colic. The bran' we keep for gem'men would stick in his th'oat." Travis laughed: "Well be sure you don't get that horse brand in mine." An hour afterwards, Travis heard a well-known walk in the hall and opened the door. He stepped back astonished.

Lucy Bostil had called twice to her father and he had not answered. He was out at the hitching-rail, with Holley, the rider, and two other men. If he heard Lucy he gave no sign of it. She had on her chaps and did not care to go any farther than the door where she stood. "Somers has gone to Durango an' Shugrue is out huntin' hosses," Lucy heard Bostil say, gruffly.

It's goin' on one now, an' I might as well make a night o' it on t' other side. It's damned hard on the hosses, though, an' it's ten to one I don't get lifted myself by one o' them cussed cruelty to animil fellers that sometimes poke their noses into the wrong end o' their business. Make it twenty an' it is done." The detective smiled. "Twenty it is."

"It was just about a week ago that I'd been to town, you remember, and getting home along about midnight I was worried about one of the hosses that had been actin' sick like. So I walked over here, not wantin' to wait till mornin'. Just when I was agoin' back I seen a light movin' around over at the house, and I stopped a minute to watch the same."

They'll be at the Garden so much they'll head fur Madison Square whenever they're taken out. "He ships the pair East 'n' sends me with 'em as caretaker. I deliver 'em to a swell sales company up-town in New York. "This concern has some joint take it from me every floor is just bulgin' with hosses that's so classy they sends 'em to a manicure parlor 'stead of a blacksmith's shop.

Ross jumped to his feet, and said: "George, what are you goin' to do?" George, who had been headed in my direction, slowly swivelled around and faced his employer. "Bein' a camp cook, I ain't over-burdened with hosses," George enlightened us. "Therefore, I am going to try to borrow this feller's here." For the first time in four days my soul gave a genuine cheer.

"Then I reckon we had better keep the hosses' legs moving lively," replied Life, as he hurried his steed to his best paces. They soon reached the forest, which extended from one of greater extent on the other side of the pike, though the scouts passed through only a projecting corner of it.

'I might break my leg sometime, said David Brower, 'then they'll come handy. But the Tribune was read carefully every week. I have seen David Brower stop and look at me while I have been digging potatoes, with a sober grin such as came to him always after he had swapped 'hosses' and got the worst of it.

There's something up more than you think, sir; there is indeed. He was that fractious that he wouldn't hold the hosses for me, not for a minute, till I could go in and see, and then 'Well? 'The gates was chained, sir. 'Chained? 'A chain was round the bars, and a padlock. I never see such a thing on a gentleman's gate in my life before.

"I'll have the hosses right around to the front," he said. "By the time you got your slicker on, Mac, I'll have 'em around in front!" And he stalked swiftly from the room. When they rode out of the town the wet sand squashed under the feet of their horses and splashed up on their riding boots and their slickers.