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"If that's so," exclaimed a voice, "we had better look out for ourselves! We have got into a very hornet's nest! If this is the place where the Martians come to dig gold, and if this is the height of their season, as you say, they are not likely to leave us here long undisturbed." "These fellows must have been pirates that they had the fight with," said another.

He got away with that, because they had all been taught to hate the "Britishers" in their school-books, and they didn't know very much about Frenchmen and "Eye-talians". But when Jimmie went on to say that the American government was as bad as the German government that all governments were run by capitalists, and all went to war for foreign markets and such plunder then what a hornet's nest he brought about his ears!

General Lew Wallace had not taken the precaution to learn the roads between his division at Crump's Landing and the main body, and he and his 7,000 men were lost in the woods, instead of being where they could support us in this our dire extremity. The left wing of our brigade was the Hornet's Nest, mentioned in the Southern accounts of the battle.

Elisabeth picked up the paper which she had set down the moment before. Her eyes had been quick to appreciate the smothered fierceness of Julia's gaze. At Maraton she did not glance. "Well, I am sorry," Mr. Foley said. "You are a young man now, Maraton, but one works the better for a change. I didn't come to talk shop, but you've set a nice hornet's nest about our heads up in Sheffield."

Draw your sword, count, and defend yourself; we are discovered, and they are upon us!" "We are upon them, you mean, and it is they who are discovered," said the count, doing as directed, and stepping boldly in. "A pretty hornet's nest is this we have lit upon, if ever there was one."

This seemed like a signal; for, almost at the instant of its discharge, a terrific fire of shot and shell from forty pieces of cannon was hurled on the unfortunate Plover and her consort the Opossum, which followed her close up behind, both being immediately wreathed in smoke and flame and having their decks swept fore and aft by every discharge. It was a regular ambuscade, a hornet's nest!

And this was but one of the rooms; perhaps the whole house was filled with guerrillas. "My eye!" said Archie to himself, "what a hornet's nest would be raised about our ears, if we should be discovered." His heart beat faster than usual, as he moved back from the window, and walked silently around to the other side of the house.

Keep away. They'll kill you, too." Nancy was jumping up and down in a perfect agony of fear, wringing her hands one moment and tearing at her skirts the next. "It's a hornet's nest," exclaimed Ben. "Keep still, Nancy. Don't run. They won't sting you if you are perfectly still." But it was needless to tell Nancy not to run. What with her narrow skirt and the spongy ground she could scarcely walk.

The lock on the cell-door was broken, so he only closed it, then started back toward the guardroom. "Three rifles, and three ammunition pouches gone!" he muttered. "That's three weapons they've got, in any case. A hornet's nest'd be better stopping in than this place." He overtook the men who were carrying in the nail-killed sentry, and he saw that their faces were drawn and white.

Despite the grave disparity in numbers, Blunt had galloped in to the attack, and found himself and his troopers in a hornet's nest from which nothing but his nerve and coolness had extricated them.