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Not a sound broke the stillness, although he fancied he heard the hoof-strokes of a horse at a great distance. Then he turned in another direction, and then another. It was all to no purpose. No trace of the girl could be found. He gave a groan. "It's no use; she's gone and that is all there is to it. Poor girl!" With a sinking heart he set off to return to the spot from whence he had come.

In the twilight, they saw him toil slowly up the slope, a little to the east of them, and then continue his course over the summit of the ridge, going on toward the next. The night was now so dark that he could not be kept in sight without their riding very near to him. In this there would be danger. The hoof-strokes of their horses might be heard.

As I entered it, I heard hoof-strokes on the resounding boards, and a company of horsemen cantered toward me through the darkness. As they came, I heard a gay voice singing the lines: "I wake up in the morning, I wake up in the morning, I wake up in the morning, Before the break o' day!" There was no mistaking that gay sound. It was Stuart, riding at the head of his staff and couriers.

The day had worn away to near its close, and I was contemplating the unpleasant prospect before me of passing the night in my very uncomfortable quarters, when the sound of hoof-strokes reached my ears. Looking out through the opening, upon the plain, I saw a party of about a dozen Indians riding leisurely up the valley, evidently one of the hunting parties on their return.

With clasped hands, and trembling lips, he was about to throw himself upon his knees; when suddenly a shot resounded without, a cry was heard, and then this was succeeded by rapid firing, mingled with hoof-strokes, in the immediate vicinity of the house. Darke rose to his feet, and in two strides was at the window. "An attack!" he exclaimed. "Can the friends of this carrion be trying to catch me!"

"And now," says I, "up with you and bring me to your master." But or ever he could do aught but groan and rub his hurts, I heard the sound of approaching hoof-strokes and, turning, beheld a lady bravely mounted who galloped furiously towards us down the avenue.

Then, all at once, upon this silence broke another sound, a distant sound this, but one that grew ever nearer and louder the grind of wheels and the hoof-strokes of madly galloping horses. Mr. Chichester uttered a gasping cry and pointed towards the window "Cleone!" he whispered. "It's Cleone! She's coming, in God's name wait!"

The gaze of all was fixed with intense earnestness upon that reckless horseman. Every heart heaved with emotion; and, beyond their quick breathing, not an utterance escaped from the spectators. The only sounds heard were the hoof-strokes of the horse as they rang back from the hard turf of the plain. The suspense was of short duration.

I rode slowly and cautiously, for two reasons: because my horse dared not go otherwise; and I thought that, by riding quietly, I might get beyond the vidette without attracting his notice. The torrent was hissing below. Its roar ascended to the cliff; it might drown the sound of the hoof-strokes. With this hope I stole onward.

Darke had scarcely re-entered the apartment, when I discerned the hoof-strokes of horses beyond the front gate then the animals were heard leaping the low fence a moment afterward two figures came on at full gallop, threw themselves from the saddle, and rapidly approached the house. The rattle of a sabre which one of them wore attracted Darke's attention.