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And they that believe that which a Prophet relates unto them in the name of God, take the word of the Prophet, do honour to him, and in him trust, and believe, touching the truth of what he relateth, whether he be a true, or a false Prophet. And so it is also with all other History.

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.... Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.... Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." Proverbs of Solomon.

Then stepping up closer to me, he said, in a lower voice, "I'm Jimmy Riley, that married ould Noonan's daughter; and now that it is all over I may tell you a bit of a secret, which made me so eager to get to the speech of your honour, that I might tell it to your own ear alone no offence to this gentleman, before whom I'd as soon say it as yourself, becaase I see he is all as one as another yourself.

A book of poetry is almost sure of fair appreciation in the English press which does not trouble to notice a "Sartor Resartus" or the first essays of an Emerson. The excessive consideration given to Oscar's book by the critics showed that already his personality and social success had affected the reporters. The Athenæum gave the book the place of honour in its number for the 23rd of July.

Weary of expectation he quitted the army, married, and lived on his estates at Meicken, where he died about three years ago, and left two sons, who are an honour to the family of the Trencks. Fame spoke him a person capable of rendering the state essential service, as a military man; but he was my brother, and the King would never suffer his name to be mentioned.

"Thank Heaven you are come, sir," said the old man; "he is fearfully bad." Norman knew young Lake, who had been a senior boy when he first went to school, was a Randall scholar, and had borne an excellent character, and highly distinguished himself at the university. And now, by all accounts, he seemed to be dying in the height of honour and general esteem. Dr.

"Happy the heart that is swept with such high tides," answered the old German. "It is left the richer by such floods." Several families in the Valley were invited to come late in the afternoon to a flag-raising. The great silk flag was Virginia's gift, and Captain Dudley made the presentation speech. He wore his uniform in honour of the occasion.

I expressed my gratification at this statement as well as I could and he said, suiting the action to the word: "Ye'll not mind my ringing for a glass of whisky? I shall esteem it an honour to take a glass with ye and to be able to boast hereafter that ye once stood a drink to me." He got his drink and absorbed it gravely, with a wish that I might enjoy long life, health and prosperity.

But they have been worthless rivals all, crazed with their own vanity and greed, and empty of truth and honour.

This obviated not every evil; but it removed many: it satisfied my impatient love; it placed Isora under a sure protection; it secured and established her honour the moment the ceremony should be declared; and it avoided the seeming ingratitude and indelicacy of disobeying my uncle, without an effort of patience to appease him.