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Four other trucks scurried out after it. Other trucks came in. The sidewall section closed. There was the smell of engine fumes and hot metal and of ozone from electric sparks. There was that indescribable smell a man can get homesick for, of metal being worked by men.

These few minutes, after I emerge from the hands of my maid and before the carriage is announced, are almost the only ones I ever have to myself. I am having a good time still. Somehow, though, it isn't as exciting as it used to be. I'm afraid I'm very changeable. I believe I must be homesick. I'd love to get a glimpse of dear old Thrush Hill and Aunt Elizabeth, and J but, no!

So the poor thing was freed from his cocked hat and uniform, fed with bread and milk, and allowed to curl himself up in the cool grass for a nap, looking so like a tired little old man in a fur coat that the children were never weary of watching him. Meantime, Miss Celia had come out, and was talking Italian to Giacomo in a way that delighted his homesick heart.

Then he began to be very homesick, and to be torn with the torment of a divided love. His mother, whom he loved so dearly, so tenderly, was here, and wherever she was, that was home; and yet home was yonder, far off, at the end of those forty inexorable miles, where he had left his life-long mates. The first months there was a dumb heartache at the bottom of every pleasure and excitement.

It seems sometimes as if Happiness gets kinder homesick, in the big dusty fashionable places, and so goes back to the wild, green wood, and kinder wanders off, and loafs round, amongst the pine trees, and cool sparklin' brooks and wild flowers and long shinin' grasses and slate stuns, and etc., etc.

'Have you heard from Rosa lately? he asked; 'I had a letter this morning. 'Yes. The little minx writes rather too often. She is homesick though Brussels must be an attractive place enough. But she must make the most of her time over there.

"Man! You picture a hell!" I said, angrily, "while I come from paradise!" "The outer edges of paradise border on hell," he said. "Wait! Sniff that odor floating." "It is jasmine!" I muttered, and my throat tightened with a homesick spasm. "It is the last of the arbutus," he said, dropping his voice to a gentle monotone.

"My fit in Greek was so poor I'll never get much of the good from studying it." "You'll be all the stronger for not giving up, anyway." "That's the only thing that keeps me at it. I'm so busy I don't even have time to be homesick." "Well, that's one good thing." "Perhaps it is, but if I flunk out at the mid-year's " "You won't if you only keep it up and keep at it."

"I belong in Topeka, but I've bin to Cedar Rapids; I've bin to Winnipeg; I've bin to Newport News; I've bin all down the old Atlanta and West Point; an' I've bin to Buffalo. Maybe I'll fetch up at Haverstraw. I've only bin out ten months, but I'm homesick I'm just achin' homesick."

"I guess I shall have nicer clothes than any of them. I wonder if they are nice girls. Do you spose I shall like them, mamma?" "Oh, yes, I am sure you will," said her mother, encouragingly. "They are very nice, I am sure, and you will be so happy here that you won't hardly want to come home for the holidays. It won't be long before Christmas comes, so if you get homesick you must remember that."