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"If I could get the hombres to work as fast as they eat," he said, "I could take a year off the allotted time for the dam." The masonry workers and teamsters at whose table Jim was sitting grinned. "There's only one form of persuasion to use with an hombre," commented Henderson, gently. "There's just one kind of efficiency he gets, outside of whisky." "What kind is that?" asked a teamster.

She go up mountain back of town, find Apache there, tell all Apaches bring guns, come here, help take hombres to jail." Jim looked at Pen and his face whitened. But Pen's nostrils dilated and her eyes sparkled. Pen was Irish. "I'll go," said Pen. "Where is Henderson?" "He ought to be back," said Jim. "Try to find him after you get the Apaches. Send anybody down you can reach."

"Ah, our Manuelito."... But a gruff voice discoursed jovially, "Care not, Manuel. What of Paquita with the broken tooth? Is she not left to thee? And por Dios, hombres, in the dark all women are alike." "I will cram thy unclean mouth with live coals," Manuel drawled spitefully. They roared with laughter at this sally.

"But would those hombres who put ’em there jus’ leaveno guards or nothin’?" "That is what we do not know," Hilario replied. "We took every precaution against being seen when Teodoro climbed to look into the canyon. Andthis I believewe were not suspected if there was any watcher. Otherwise, otherwise, señores, we would not have been alive to greet you when you rode in last night!

He by river there little time past," said one, pointing to a clump of cottonwood trees that rose above a fringe of willows. "Buenos noches, hombres," said Abe. "Buenos noches, Senor," came the chorus of soft voices in the dusk. On the high bank under the cottonwoods the Seer sat with bowed head.

But even this unpicturesque coiffure, almost worthy of Sierra Leone, failed to conceal the nobility of face and figure, the well-turned limbs, the fine hands and feet, and the meneo, or swimming walk, of this Guanchinesque race, which everywhere forced itself upon the sight. The proverb says De Tenerife los hombres; Las mugeres de Canaria.

'And there's one I haven't got, he said, 'one I've heard of but can't find, and my lazy hounds of hombres can't find it either, it seems. It's one of the clearwings transparent. Here's a transparent silver one. But this new one is gold, transparent gold, and the spots are opaque gold. His mouth fairly watered. 'I tell you, I will spend anything, pay anything, to get that gold butterfly.

I can see some hangin's comin' out of that ambush." "Theah's still twenty hombres down theah, an' four of us. We can pick off a few from up heah, but they ain't gonna wait around to git sniped. So, how we gonna spread ourselves ?" Kirby's was the unanswerable question.

Presently his father and Blinky hunted him up with news of strong purport plain in their faces. "Son, Marco is with you to a man!" "Pard, I guess mebbe I didn't hev them hombres figgered?" "What happened? Out with it," replied Pan sharply. "Evans drove out bringin' stuff I bought yesterday," returned his father. "He was full as a tick of news. By some miracle, only the Yellow Mine burned.

I brought these notices over myself in order to look at you, for they were saying you are a trouble-maker, but that's what these natives frequently state when they want to fix an alibi for themselves before they start something. I'll see if I can learn anything of the fellow who was up yonder shooting. These hombres are altogether too free with firearms, anyway.