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Holmes stuck his feet up on the corner of the mantelpiece and, leaning back with his hands in his pockets, began talking, rather to himself, as it seemed, than to us. "The man married a woman very much older than himself for her money," said he, "and he enjoyed the use of the money of the daughter as long as she lived with them.

The "schoolmistress" finds her skill in teaching called for again, without going abroad to seek little scholars. Those visions of mine have all come true. I hope you all love me none the less for anything I have told you. Farewell! by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. The reader of to-day will not forget, I trust, that it is nearly a quarter of a century since these papers were written.

Overtaking the older engineer, Holmes greeted him eagerly and the brown eyes of the old Chief shone with pleasure while he returned the young man's greeting heartily. Had the Seer any engagement that afternoon? None at all. He had just arrived from the North Country and was loafing a day or two. And Holmes? The younger man laughed.

"You're such a Sherlock Holmes I'd hate to go out with the boys if I was married to you." "I'm your friend and wouldn't wish any such bad luck on you," she countered gayly. Then, in a lower voice, with a sudden gravity: "Is it Harrison, Steve?" Amazement sparkled for a moment in his eyes. "With your imagination, Daisy, " he was beginning when she cut him short.

Holmes sat motionless by the fire, his hands buried deep in his trouser pockets, his chin sunk upon his breast, his eyes fixed upon the glowing embers. For half an hour he was silent and still. Then, with the gesture of a man who has taken his decision, he sprang to his feet and passed into his bedroom.

Holmes does not know you," I hastened to say; "I do, and utterly repel for you any such insinuation. In return, will you tell me if there is any one in the world whom you can call your enemy?

I used to be able to keep two assistants, but now I only keep one; and I would have a job to pay him but that he is willing to come for half wages, so as to learn the business." "What is the name of this obliging youth?" asked Sherlock Holmes. "His name is Vincent Spaulding, and he's not such a youth either. It's hard to say his age. I should not wish a smarter assistant, Mr.

Not that it would make any difference to Barbara, but somehow it mattered a great deal to Abe. Willard Holmes, who in spite of his splendid strength had not the desert man's powers of endurance, clung grimly to one thought the money must go to Republic. The steady rhythm of his horse's feet seemed to beat out the word: "Barbara! Barbara! Barbara!"

"The ice-water habit is evidence of a criminal nature, eh?" I queried. "Not per se," said Holmes, gravely, "but in conjunctibus if my Latin is weak, please correct me it is a very suspicious habit. When I see a man drink ten glasses of water in two hours it indicates to my mind that there is something in the water-cooler that takes his mind off his business.

Sherlock Holmes, the theorist. Remember you! I'll never forget how you lectured us all on causes and inferences and effects in the Bishopgate jewel case. It's true you set us on the right track; but you'll own now that it was more by good luck than good guidance." "It was a piece of very simple reasoning." "Oh, come, now, come! Never be ashamed to own up. But what is all this? Bad business!