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"Well, well," said the pharaoh, slapping him on the shoulder, "do not persuade me of that which I know. I will go to Antefa to-morrow and it seems to me that in the course of a few days I shall arrange a wedding. But now Thou mayst go to thy Hebron." Left with Sem alone, his holiness said, "Thy face is gloomy. Dost Thou doubt that we may find thirteen priests to carry out my orders?"

And as for suffering ah! Holiness!" His old scheme leaped back to his mind, and stood poised there convincing and imperious. "Yes, my son, speak plainly." "Your Holiness it is old old as Rome every fool has desired it: a new Order, Holiness a new Order," he stammered. The white hand dropped the paper-weight; the Pope leaned forward, looking intently at the priest. "Yes, my son?"

He found His Holiness waiting for him, with Cardinal Valentino on his right, and on his left D'jem, who, as we said before, was dining with him, and round the table thirteen cardinals. The king at once, bending on his knee, demanded the pope's benediction, and stooped to kiss his feet.

"This is not stupidity," replied Tutmosis, "but a crime of the priests, who have in their possession a man who resembles his holiness, and they make use of him for evil purposes." And he told the nomarch the story of the Greek Lykon, and his crime in Pi-Bast. "I have heard of this Lykon who killed the son of the heir," said Antefa.

They spoke alternately, their voices clear, far-reaching, their tones perfectly natural there was no raising of the voice yet reaching as far as the farthest listener. Their message was a Testimony to God, to His power, His might, His Holiness, even to His mercy. They told of judgments, near at hand, upon all who would not cleave to God in righteousness.

Distance lends enchantment to a holy place, and adds to the efficacy of a prayer-stone in the eyes of its owner, and they are valued highly or lightly according to the distance and the consequent holiness of the city they are brought from.

She could have found it in her heart to be offended at being thought likely to wish to steal the King's heart, and yet flattered by being, for the first time, considered as dangerous, even while her awe, alike of Henry's holiness and of those strange visions that had haunted her, made her feel it a relief that her lot was not to be cast with him.

The protest of Pius VII. recalled to him the disagreeable remembrance of an independent authority, and one which he had not been always able to submit to his will; the anger of the despot broke forth with violence at once spontaneous and measured: "Your Holiness complains that since your return from Paris you have had nothing but causes of sorrow.

"Is it the Holy Father's illness?" asked Pierre in his anxiety. "Is he worse this evening?" The prelate looked at him in astonishment, and then somewhat impatiently replied: "Oh, no, no. His Holiness is much better, thank Heaven. A person belonging to the Vatican was telling me just now that he was able to get up this afternoon and receive his intimates as usual."

... The termheavendenoteth loftiness and exaltation, inasmuch as it is the seat of the revelation of those Manifestations of Holiness, the Day-springs of ancient glory. These ancient Beings, though delivered from the womb of their mother, have in reality descended from the heaven of the will of God.