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The troops which had been fighting for three years showed outwardly no sign of the terrible ordeals they had undergone, holding themselves proudly erect as they passed the saluting base amid the strains of military music and flying colors.

They prevent people from using either their eyes or their imagination. Shall I go up to him and ask him?" "He would answer: 'I don't understand." "And I would explain: 'Virginia is the only lady in orange, and he would look at you for a moment or two and, holding out his hand in an ecstasy of gratitude, he would say: 'Thank you. Yes, I love her."

On the way they met Renfrew, the Silent, in his brilliant Zouave jacket. "Colonel," he said, indignantly and it was the first time many had ever heard him open his lips "some officer over there deliberately fired twice at me, though I was holding my arms over my head." "It was dark," said Colonel Hunt, soothingly. "He didn't know you."

"Oh, shame," I cried violently, sick of bargains and promises. "You are trying to bribe me!" "Yes, but I am not ashamed," the girl answered, holding her head high. "I have not the thing which was lost; but I can get it for you this very night or to-morrow morning, if you will do what I ask." "I tell you I cannot," I said.

Baron, as far as that desperately perturbed old gentleman was capable of holding one, the result of which was the decision to let the negroes alone, provided they kept quiet and obeyed. It was evident to both of them that the approach of Union forces, though yet comparatively distant, had produced the usual demoralizing effects.

A woman with a comely and mundane countenance passed us, holding in leash a wheezing, vicious, waddling, brute of a yellow pug. The dog entangled himself with Bridger's legs and mumbled his ankles in a snarling, peevish, sulky bite.

I do not think they were always bright and joyous, and I am sure I often chafed under the burdens imposed upon me; but how inviting they seem when viewed through the golden haze of retrospection. My next recollection is the raising of a frame barn behind the house, and of a niece of my father's holding me in her arms to see the men pushing up the heavy "bents" with long poles.

Here the mite of a servant bounded in, radiant and giggling, gave Nancy a triumphant glance, and popped out again, holding the door open, through which in slouched a seafaring man, drawn by Penfold's advertisement, and decoyed into Nancy's presence by the imp of a girl, who thought to please her mistress.

It may have been only for a moment, it probably was; but I do know the silence was not broken till the aged minister, who stood at the head of the coffin, began his discourse. We stood with uncovered heads during the service, and when the old minister addressed us he spoke as though he might have been holding family worship and we had been his children.

But we are wasting time. Do you accept my proposition or not? 'I cannot do it; give me time. 'Too much has been already wasted. Take back your money. You doubtless can obtain more in the same manner you did this. It looks very suspicious, I must say. 'And this is called a Christian land! said the poor fellow, holding his wasted hands up to heaven. 'O God, that these things should be!