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To the mystified Bobby Little he entered upon a lengthy explanation of the term in a language composed almost entirely of vowels, from which that officer gathered, dimly, that holding-on had something to do with shipbuilding.

It would do us good to watch them these men with merely owning or holding-on minds, really noticing at last how unimportant they are. But it is not necessary to resort to a furnished island as a device, as a mirror for making mere millionaires see themselves. This is a thing that could be done for millionaires now, most of them, here just where they are.

'It's as much of me as is left, sir, after a fortnight of this work, Mr Tapley replied, 'What with leading the life of a fly, ever since I've been aboard for I've been perpetually holding-on to something or other in a upside-down position what with that, sir, and putting a very little into myself, and taking a good deal out of myself, there an't too much of me to swear by.

This attachment makes it easy to adjust the distance between the rotor and the steam ports, and also concentrates all end thrust on to a point, thereby minimizing friction. The stirrup can be fashioned in a few minutes out of brass strip. Drill the holes for the holding-on screws; drill and tap a hole for the adjusting screw; insert the screw and centre it correctly on the spindle point.

Investigation of the affected part showed a tick of terrific size with its head embedded in the flesh; pursuing this interesting subject, I found three more, and had awfully hard work to get them off and painful too for they give one not only a feeling of irritation at their holding-on place, but a streak of rheumatic-feeling pain up from it.

At this point, the parent's own maturity in the employment of the same mechanisms will determine how he will respond to the child's stubborn and often hostile efforts to achieve autonomy. As people mature, the holding-on and letting-go tension is transferred from the muscular to the emotional and psychological.