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When duty calls, every man must be at his post. I can't stay." And Hoffland laughed. In fifteen minutes the vehicle was brought round, and the two young men rose. Denis bowed with some constraint to Lucy; but she would not see this expression, and holding out her hand bade him good-bye with a smile which lighted his path all the way back to town.

That young gentleman, however, declined to pick it up and restore it, though the absent Jacques did not perceive it. Jacques assisted the young girl into her carriage, pressed her hand with melancholy affection, and went away sighing. Mowbray, having procured what Lucy wished, came forth again and was joined by Hoffland. That gentleman held a magnificent lace handkerchief in his hand.

And Hoffland gazed rapturously at the green fields, and blossom-covered trees, and the distant river flowing on in gladness to the sea, with the kindling eye of a true poet. "And here is the 'Indian Camp!" he cried; "grassy, antique, and romantic!" "Let us sit down," said Mowbray. And seating himself upon a moss-covered stone, he leaned his head upon his hand and pondered.

"Forgive me, Charles I will endeavor in future to avoid these occasions of dispute; forgive my harshness." "You are forgiven," murmured Hoffland; and his sad face became again cheerful. "I am not a very pleasant companion, I know," said Mowbray, smiling; "my own thoughts oppress me; but if I cannot be merry with you, I may at least forbear to wound your feelings."

"No," said Hoffland, drawing back; "I will not accept it upon those terms but I have the gloves. Thank you, Ernest. Perhaps some day I may ask you to accept a present from me; or at least I promise not to refuse you if you ask what I have this moment refused." And laughing heartily, Hoffland cried: "Just look at those flowers! and there is the great city of Williamsburg!

The lodging of Sir Asinus was in one of those buildings let out to students; this seemed more private Hoffland alone dwelt here. The student searched his pockets one after the other. "Oh me!" he cried, "could I have left my key at the college?" "Careless!" said Mowbray, with a smile. "I think I am very unfortunate." "Well, then, my domiciliary visit is rendered impossible.

With which words Hoffland laughed so merrily and with such a musical, ringing, contagious joy, that Mowbray's feeling of pique at this unceremonious allusion to his sister passed away completely, and he could not utter a word.

Would to Heaven I could get as far from love for her, as the neutral ground of indifference." "Unhappy man!" said Hoffland; "you pray to be delivered from love!" "Devoutly." "It is our greatest happiness." "And deepest misery." "Misanthrope!" "No, Charles, I neither hate men nor women; I do not permit this disappointment to sour my heart.

And having uttered this conceited sentence with a delightful little toss of the head, Hoffland laughed. Denis merely inclined his head coldly. He was becoming more and more averse to this companion every moment. "But we were speaking of Roseland, and my reasons for not accepting Mowbray's invitation," pursued Hoffland, smiling; "the reason may surprise you."