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Petersburg a second time to obtain permission for organizing the emigration committees in Russia and to secure the necessary privileges for the emigrants. The English delegate, who was familiar with the frame of mind of the leading Government circles in Russia, unfolded before them the far-reaching plans of Baron Hirsch.

He went downstairs and walked home because his carriage had taken Robin and Mademoiselle back to the slice of a house. Von Hillern made no further calls on Mrs. Gareth-Lawless. His return to Berlin was immediate and Fraulein Hirsch came no more to give lessons in German.

"Poor child, poor child," said the father, soothingly, "Have patience. In a few days you will be about again." "Is uncle here? I want to see uncle," cried the boy. Hirsch Bensef obeyed the call, and, going to the sufferer, kissed his burning brow. "Why, Jacob; how is this?" he said. "I did not know that you were sick. What is the trouble, my lad?"

"In short," said Muscari, "to the real Paradise of Thieves." THREE The Duel of Dr Hirsch M. MAURICE BRUN and M. Armand Armagnac were crossing the sunlit Champs Elysee with a kind of vivacious respectability. They were both short, brisk and bold. They both had black beards that did not seem to belong to their faces, after the strange French fashion which makes real hair look like artificial.

Fraulein Hirsch once made me feel actually sick by telling me, in her meek, sly, careful way, that he liked beautiful girls and the people said he wanted a young wife and had his eye on me. I was rude to her because it made me so furious. HOW did he know that woman so well? You see how bad I have been made!" "He knows nearly all Europe. He has seen the dark corners as well as the bright places.

Nothing more could be got out of him until the cab swept round the corner by the Hotel Saint Louis, where they got out, and he led the party up a side lane already in deep shadow with the growing dusk. Once, when the Duke impatiently asked whether Hirsch was guilty of treason or not, he answered rather absently: "No; only of ambition like Caesar."

Thanks to the offerings of Hirsch Bensef and his friends, money was not lacking and willing hands were found to supply the necessary manual labor. Where wretched huts and unpainted hovels had offended the eye, unpretentious but clean and comfortable dwellings now were seen. The lower portion of the town had been entirely remodelled and vied in point of neatness with the more aristocratic quarter.

An antique brass lamp, polished like a mirror, hangs from the ceiling, and the flame from its six arms sheds a soft light upon the table beneath. A number of silver candlesticks among the dishes add to the illumination. On this evening, Mordecai returned from the synagogue with his son Mendel, a lad of thirteen, and his brother-in-law, Hirsch Bensef, a resident of Kief.

As she did so, she started from her comfortable chair in amazement and some alarm. The room had become so much darker that it must be getting late. How careless and silly she had been. Where was Fraulein Hirsch? "I am only a strange girl and Lady Etynge might so easily have forgotten me," passed through her mind.

Before she had time, however, to question him, Erös Béla made noisy irruption into the room. He was greeted with a storm of cheers. "Hello, Béla!" "Not the bridegroom, surely?" "Who would have thought of seeing you here?" While Leopold Hirsch muttered audibly: "What devil's mischief has brought this fellow here to-day, I wonder?"