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The Himation or Maphorion, as the robe of the Virgin was called, brought the primitive edifice in the woods above the Cynegion a boundless increase of sanctity, while the discoverer received the freedom of the city, the reverence of the clergy, and the confidence of the Basileus. Nor did the prodigious memory stay there. The hill facing the city was of three terraces.

Into the ill-lighted and unpretentiously furnished room came a tall, bony, ebon-skinned old Ethiopian, very scantily attired, who awaited the wishes of his master. "Come, Sesostris," said the latter, "get out my best himation the one with the azure tint. Give me a clean chiton, and help me dress." Greek outer mantle. Greek under garment.

"Hasten hence," she said, throwing her ample himation around her sister's shoulders, and fastening the golden balteus about her hips. "You can follow my slave safely. No one will notice the exchange, especially amid the noisy tumult of the circus." "No, I cannot accept this sacrifice," cried Sophronia, struggling with her own heart. "God forbids it." "Your God is the God of Love," said Glyceria.

As the lady drew toward the open door she saw the graceful, easy form of Pratinas on the threshold, one hand carelessly thrust in the folds of his himation, the other gesturing animatedly, while he leaned against the stone casing.

Greek was the only tongue now that sounded in her ear, unless she talked privately with Fabia or was beguiled into trying to learn a little Egyptian a language Berenice and Monime spoke fluently. The clothes she wore were no longer stola and palla, but chiton and himation. The whole atmosphere about her was foreign, down to the cries on the streets.

"And there was a lady engineer," she went on, after a short pause, "in a light blue himation is that what they call it, himation? and she was fluttering it out of the cab-window " "The Railway!" declared Virgilia, trying to laugh tears into her eyes. "And one drawing showed a lot of Cupids nesting on top of a telegraph pole " "What did Jeremiah McNulty think of that?"

He recognized it instantly, and remembered it as full of inestimable relics amongst them the Himation, considered indestructible; the Holy Cross which Heraclius, in the year 635, had brought from Jerusalem, and delivered to Sergius; and the Panagia Blachernitissa, or All Holy Banner of the Image of the Virgin.

Then you shall see,” announced the juror, with an oratorical flourish of his dirty himation, “and not you only but all of Athens.” Clearchus grinned. “Our dear Polus has a vast sense of his own importance. And who has been making you partner of the state secretsThemistocles?” “A man almost his peer, the noble patriot Democrates.

The face was not quite regular, but marvellously intelligent and sensitive; the skin not pale, yet far from dark, and perfectly healthy and clear; the eyes restive and piercing. The queen was dressed plainly in Greek fashion; her himation was white, her only ornament a great diamond that was blazing like a star on her breast.

To make a noble picture, a dining-room piece, you must take the same lady and invest her in a Doric chiton or diploida and himation; give her a pocillum, a censer, a sacrificial ram, and a distant view of Tivoli; round your modelling, and let your brush-strokes be long and slightly curved; affect sober and rather hot pigments; call the finished article "Dido pouring libations to the Goddess of Love."