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A struggle then ensued, in which the former wrested the pistol from the hand of his antagonist, and both came from their horses on the ground together, the highwayman upon his back, and the victorious Jones upon him. The poor fellow now began to implore mercy of the conqueror: for, to say the truth, he was in strength by no means a match for Jones.

Also, a bit of hemp rope with a tag, on which is written: "The end of J. C. P. Collins Feb. 1, 1884 Compliments of Sheriff Carter." In vain one may search for a similar reminder of the highwayman Darcy, the actual murderer of Will Cummins.

For instance, no one supposes that I am not entitled to defend my purse and person against a highwayman, as much as if I were a wild Indian, who owns neither law nor magistracy. The question of resistance, or submission, must be determined by my means and situation.

It was to no purpose that I endeavoured to turn the tables, by describing Fin's terror at my supposed resemblance to a highwayman -his story had the precedence, and I met nothing during my recital but sly allusions to mad dogs, muzzles, and doctors; and contemptible puns were let off on every side at my expense.

Willock now advanced on the cove and found himself presently in a snug retreat that would have filled with delight the heart of the most desperate highwayman, or the most timid settler. On the north was, of course, the towering mountain-wall, broken by the gully in the protection of whose trees one might creep up or down without detection.

It is in the style of a highwayman who says to his victim: "I will reward you by letting you go.

A lone highwayman has held up and robbed a populous passenger train in Texas in West Texas, the rendezvous of the sure-enough bad man, who catches catamounts and clips their claws, who defies whole barrels o' Jersey lightning and uses the bucking-broncho for his laughter, yea, his sport!

He could waylay Nicolas as he came from the house of the old seigneur, could call to him to throw up his hands in good highwayman fashion, and, well disguised, could get away with the money without being discovered. Or again, he could follow Nic from the Seigneury to the Manor, discover where he kept the money, and devise a plan to steal it.

Placing his pistols before him, he made himself comfortable, and ate and drank his fill. By-and-by an old woman entered, and humbly took a seat in a corner far from the fire. In time the highwayman observed the wretched, shivering creature, and of his princely generosity told her to come and sit by the hearth. The old woman gladly obeyed, and crouched beside him.

Afterwards he exhorted the people to live virtuously, and be warned by his example, and then submitted patiently to his fate, on Thursday, the third of November, 1726, being at that time of his decease about twenty-eight years of age. The Life of WILLIAM MILLER, a Highwayman, etc.