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The pupil may, indeed, advance to a higher sphere than that occupied by the teacher; but it is only because he draws from a higher fountain elsewhere. In such cases the success of the pupil is not the success of the master.

Certainly a course of careful planning in one's affairs would be in so far a better course and on a higher plane than indulgence in idleness or shiftless expenditure of surplus for present luxuries, regardless of future need.

He was told that he couldn't see her from there that she was higher up the harbour; but none of the boatmen he spoke to seemed disposed to take him on board. In vain he promised his sixpence.

Although in the past all the great Spiritual Teachers have arisen in the East, there are still many men there who are quite devoid of spirituality. With regard to the things of the spirit they are as lifeless as a stone; nor do they wish to be otherwise, for they consider that man is only a higher form of animal and that the things of God concern him not.

It grew later. The moon rose higher, and it became a little more "scary-like." Presently Mrs. Bunker called: "Come, Rose! Russ! Time to go to bed!" "All right!" they answered. They were tired enough to want to go to sleep. They dropped their clam shells near the holes they had dug, and started up the beach. Suddenly Rose gave a cry. "What's the matter?" asked Russ. "My locket!

They are wonderful to behold, and therefore in the summer time strangers come here from all parts of the world to see them. They cross snow-covered mountains, and travel through the deep valleys, or ascend for hours, higher and still higher, the valleys appearing to sink lower and lower as they proceed, and become as small as if seen from an air balloon.

It knows no better use for its best than to lavish it on the beloved, and can have no higher joy than that. It does not stay to calculate utility as seen by colder eyes. It has even a subtle delight in the very absence of practical results, for the expression of itself is the purer thereby.

Jimbo began to hum the song of the village he had learned in school P'tit Bourcelles sur sa colline De partout a gentille mine; On y pratique avec success L'exploitation du francais, and the moment it was over, his sister burst out with the question that had been buzzing inside her head the whole time 'How long are you going to stay? she said, as they climbed higher along the dusty road.

The third class, called Priests of Eleusis, were chosen from the aristocracy; and to them it was made known that this revolution was near at hand; and, also, that there were in the society higher ranks than their own.

There is less of higher culture, it is true, and the most respected and respectable citizens are often heard lapsing into strange inaccuracies of language and pronunciation. One of the most common is the use of "dooz" where "does" is meant. "I be" and "you be" are common instead of "I am" and "you are." In some localities along the Mississippi River "slough" is pronounced as if it were "slew."