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"A book agent?" Once more he jumped to his feet. "Out!" he bellowed. "Out from my office, you dirty loafer!" The book agent scowled and replaced the bound dummy in his pocket. "With a high-grade selling proposition like this, Mr. Potash," he said, "you should be careful of your language." "Mawruss," Abe cried, "what the devil do you mean letting in a feller like this?"

Furniture dealers now have to buy the material green from the sawmills. Competition has become so keen that buyers pay high prices. They must have the material to keep their plants running and to supply their trade. The veneer industry provides furniture manufacturers, musical instrument factories, box makers and the automobile industry with high-grade material.

"It has happened before, and it will happen again. Uranium is the treasure metal now, where gold used to be. So the game uses uranium. The game is known as salting." "Salting?" Scotty asked. "I've heard it in connection with gold mines, but I can't remember exactly what it means." "It means putting evidence of high-grade ore in a likely place, but one which actually contains no real pay dirt.

Nickel steel we do not use for the cheaper grades of guns, because it is so much harder, and costs so much more to work. Indeed, very few gun-makers use nickel steel for barrels at all, but we do on all our high-grade work." "I notice," Hamilton said, "that all the steel here is stored in bars and rods. Do you buy it that way, or have you a rolling mill in connection with the plant?"

And on essays, long and short, he began to pay the travelling expenses from magazine to magazine. During the twenty-five days spent on "The Shame of the Sun," he sold hack- work to the extent of six dollars and fifty cents. A joke had brought in fifty cents, and a second one, sold to a high-grade comic weekly, had fetched a dollar.

"It's high-grade quartz," he cried jubilantly as he came up. The Padre nodded, his mind on other things. "I'd say the luck's changed," Buck went on, full of his own discovery and not noticing the other's abstraction. He was enjoying the thought of the news he had to convey to the starving camp. "I'd say there's gold in plenty hereabouts and the washout "

Great timbers still lay where they had been dumped from the trucks, there was a concrete foundation for the engine; and a double-compartment shaft, sunk on the salted vein, showed what great expectations had been blasted. With the Willie Meena still sinking on high-grade ore, Judson Eells had taken a good deal for granted when he had set out to develop the Stinging Lizard.

I don't mind fits in the Home with everybody around. But out in the woods on a dark night is different. You listen to me, and never go hunting gold mines with epilecs, even if they are high-grade. I never had such an awful night. When Joe and Charley weren't throwing fits they were making believe, and in the darkness the shivers from the cold which I couldn't see seemed like fits, too.

"Tush," Henderson snorted inelegantly. "Salesmen are born, not made the real high-grade ones. And the factories are turning out mechanical experts by the gross." "I know that," his son grinned. "But I like Thompson. He gives you the feeling that you can absolutely rely on him." "Send him up to me," John P. repeated and when John P. issued a fiat like that, even his son did not dispute it.

I remember perfectly how anxious I was to get that loan and to establish myself favourably with the banker. This gentleman was T.P. Handy, a sweet and gentle old man, well known as a high-grade, beautiful character. For fifty years he was interested in young men. He knew me as a boy in the Cleveland schools.