United States or Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Yes, old boy, and they hope you will join them, but on condition that you forthwith drink up to two bottles full of Hungarian wine, Champagne, or Cape, just to bring you up to their mark. My dear fellow, we are all so much on here, that it was necessary to close the Opera. The manager is as drunk as a cornet-a-piston; he is hiccuping already." "Oh, Josepha! " cried the Baron.

A Commander-in-Chief will tell the old story about the Service going to the dogs; after which there will be an interval of ten minutes allowed for swearing and hiccuping. The Travelling M.P. will take the opportunity to jot down a few hasty notes on Aryan characteristics for the Twentieth Century before being placed under the table.

It was wrong to think of her father so, but he seemed to be without mercy for any of them. He had come in yesterday half-boozed, having kept back part of his money he had come in tramping and hiccuping. "Now, then, old girl, out with it! I must have a few halfpence; my chaps is waiting for me, and I can't be looking down their mouths with nothing in my pockets."

He was drunk at his wife's funeral, and kept reeling round and hiccuping 'I didn't dri i i nk much but I feel a a awfully que e e r. I gave him a good jab in the back with my umbrella when he came near me, and it sobered him up until they got the casket out of the house. Young Johnny Booth was to have been married yesterday, but he couldn't be because he's gone and got the mumps.

"Hold on!" Hiram expostulated; "you've got to remember that he's a guest, Cap. He's " "He's goin' to eat what I give him, after I've been to all the trouble," roared the old skipper. Mr. Brackett was before the fire in the office, hiccuping with repletion and stuffing tobacco into the bowl of his clay pipe. "Anything the matter with that duff?" demanded the irate cook, pushing the dish under Mr.

"I won't bolt the door," he whispered to himself, "till I have struck a " Here the unreliability of brandy as a curative agent in cases of fermentation in the stomach, was palpably demonstrated by a sudden return of the hiccuping fit. "Hush!" cried Zack for the second time; terrified at the violence and suddenness of the relapse, and clapping his hand to his mouth when it was too late.

Jones took the pocket-book and pencil and went to the window, followed by the young man scarcely able to support himself. Here a curious scene took place, the drinker hiccuping up verses, and Jones dotting them down, in the best manner he could, though he had evidently great difficulty to distinguish what was said to him.

Then, his odd collie sense had told him that for some reason this staggering and hiccuping creature was not the master whom he knew and loved. This man was strangely different from the Link Ferris whom Chum knew. Puzzled, the dog had halted and had stood irresolute.

He's perfectly useless, always boozed nipping, you know. Kate did not answer, and an uneasy silence ensued, which was broken at length by the appearance of a hiccuping, long-whiskered man. 'How are you, o-o-old man? Eh! who is ? I don't think I have the pleasure of this lady's acquaintance. 'Mrs. Ede Mr. Hayes, our acting manager. Now, look here, Hayes, you go and get the tickets.

One should salute a gentleman in yawning, salute him in hiccuping, salute him in sneezing, salute him in coughing, and that evidently because of your interest in his health; for he may dislocate his jaw in yawning, and the hiccup is often a symptom of grave disorder, and sneezing is perilous to the small blood-vessels of the head, and coughing is either a tracheal, bronchial, pulmonary, or ganglionic affection."