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Elderly people directed each other's attention and, said, "There! that's him, with the grand, noble forehead!" Boys nudged each other and said, "Hi, Johnny, here he is, there, that's him, with the peeled head!" The Senator took his seat in the pulpit, with the minister' on one side of him and the Superintendent of the Sunday School on the other.

The wind's in the west, the sun unclouded, the sea in a ripple. The day invites us. Why not? The day does not know that an old man lies dead.... He's at the door. He calls my name. "Uncle Davy! Hi, b'y! Where is you?" Ecod! but the Heavenly choir will never thrill me so.... He's on the stair. I must make haste. In a moment his arms will be round my neck. And Here's a large period to my story!

He had got lots of books, and papers, and files about, and sat hi an arm-chair so cosily in fact, I should not have thought that nice carpeted room was really an office, if it had not been for the ground-glass windows. Just as I was thinking why it was the glorious sunshine is not admitted into offices, Mr. Compton said " "What did he say, George? I have waited so patiently to hear."

"Hi! ho!" a second time he exclaimed, as the soldier commenced walking the other way; "We English gentlemen want to get board jhat;" persevered P , endeavouring, by the adoption of a broken accent, to convey his meaning. The Dane shook his head.

"'The marching orders of the First South Carolina Volunteers are hereby countermanded. "'Major Trowbridge, said I, 'will you give my compliments to Lieutenant Hooper, somewhere in the hold of that steamer, and direct him to set his men at work to bring out every individual article which they have carried hi. And I sat down on a pile of boards.

The hole at the base of the tree was quickly enlarged enough to push in a smudge, and the opening which Lance had made above was closed with moss and green leaves. "Hi, there she comes," cried some one, enthusiastically, as the thick white smoke made its way out of the broken top. "The varmint won' stan' that long."

"Hi! hi! what's here to do?" exclaimed the head watchman, a burly fellow of forty, as he made his way through a barricade of night gowns. "Come, sir, you must take yourself away from here. You have insulted the lady; have intruded yourself where you have no right; and if you get not away before her husband comes, he will cut you to bits."

On the next day he went farther on with them; and at last he came to a place exceedingly grassy, in a great glen, of which he never saw the like. But about the time when he should drive the cattle home-wards, whom should he see coming but a great giant with a sword in his hand? "HI! HO!! HOGARACH!!!" says the giant. "Those cattle are mine; they are on my land, and a dead man art thou."

"Ma got a letter last night when she rode over to the Centre, and Aunt Drusilla writes that she's coming to make us a three months' visit, and she's going to bring little Hi with her. And yesterday morning pa said that Grandma Babson was a coming to make her home with us, so you might guess, Randy, that Jemima and I'll have to step lively and help ma a bit."

And there stood Umerdlugtoq holding his nose. But Kâgssagssuk said to him: "Do not fear; I am not going to kill you. For you never used to kill me." And then little Kâgssagssuk went into the tent, and called out to him: "Hi, come and look! I am in here with your wives!" For in the old days, Umerdlugtoq had dared him even to look at them.