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Thanks to her, Fanny and Heyl found themselves on the eight fifty-three train, bound for the dunes. Clarence swung his rucksack up to the bundle rack. He took off his cap, and stuffed it into his pocket. He was grinning like a schoolboy. Fanny turned from the window and smiled at what she saw in his face.

In the course of the summer Prince Maurice, carrying out into practice the lessons which he had so steadily been pondering, reduced the towns and strong places of Heyl, Flemert, Elshout, Crevecoeur, Hayden, Steenberg, Rosendaal, and Osterhout.

Tuesday, April, 21., will be sufficient time. The case is continued until that day. Witnesses' names will now be called." The following witnesses for the prosecution were in court and were placed upon their recognizances of $100 each to be in court on April, 21.: J. B. Lock, Dr. A. B. Heyl, Henry Motz and Harry and Will Hedger.

The plant! That's impossible, Mr. Heyl. I'm terribly sorry, but I can't " "Yes, I know. Also terribly sure that if I ever get to you it will be over your office boy's dead body. Well, arm him. I'm coming. Good-by." "Wait a minute! Mr. Heyl! Clarence! Hello! Hello!" A jiggling of the hook. "Number, please?" droned the voice of the operator.

It sounds like something out of `Alice in Wonderland." "And you," retorted Heyl, "sound like some one who's afraid to talk or think about herself. You're suppressing the thing that is you. You're cutting yourself off from your own people a dramatic, impulsive, emotional people. By doing those things you're killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

I'd forgotten all about it." "No you hadn't. Tell me, what flashed into your mind when you saw me in Temple that night before you left Winnebago? The truth, now." She learned, later, that people did not lie to him. She tried it now, and found herself saying, rather shamefacedly, "I thought `Why, it's Clarence Heyl, the Cowardy-Cat!" "There! That's why I'm here to-day.

We're talked out. It's a mercy you're going to New York. There won't be a next time." "Young woman," said Heyl, forcefully, "there will. That young devil in the red tam isn't dead. She's alive. And kicking. There's a kick in every one of those Chicago sketches in your portfolio upstairs. You said she wouldn't fight anybody's battles to-day.

Tell me, how do you happen to have learned so much about what people feel and think, in such a short time?" The thing that Clarence Heyl had said flashed through her mind, and she was startled to find herself quoting it. "It hasn't been a short time," she said. "It took a thousand years." And left Fenger staring, puzzled. She took next morning for her tour of the plant as Fenger had suggested.

In the course of the summer Prince Maurice, carrying out into practice the lessons which he had so steadily been pondering, reduced the towns and strong places of Heyl, Flemert, Elshout, Crevecoeur, Hayden, Steenberg, Rosendaal, and Osterhout.

"The evidence we have leads us to believe that she died of having her throat cut." Dr. Heyl, Assistant Surgeon of the Sixth Regiment, U. S., stationed at Ft. Thomas testified the manner in which the head was severed plainly showed that an accustomed hand had performed the work, and it was obvious to a professional eye that the work had commenced from the back of the neck.