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If we were forced to use violence we could get away by the earliest train, and nothing be known till the ship was sailing and von Heumann found dead or drugged " "Not dead!" I exclaimed. "Of course not," assented Raffles, "or there would be no need for us to bolt; but if we should have to bolt, Tuesday morning is our time, when this ship has got to sail, whatever happens.

It was not as though von Heumann never had his innings. Raffles let him go in several times a day, for the malicious pleasure of bowling him out as he was "getting set"; those were his words when I taxed him disingenuously with obnoxious conduct towards a German on a German boat. "You'll make yourself disliked on board!" "By von Heumann merely."

I., p. 87, note, gives the following list of those who have maintained the theory of two Simons: Vitringa, Observ. Sacrar., v. 12, § 9, p. 159, C.A. Heumann, Acta Erudit. Lips. for April, A.D. 1727, p. 179, and Is. de Beausobre, Diss. sur l'Adamites, pt. ii. subjoined to L'Enfants' Histoire de la Guerre des Hussites, i. 350, etc. Dr. Christ. Biog., art. "Helena," Vol. Dr. Salmon's art.

Von Heumann was having his innings once more; it was part of the design that he should remain in all day, and so postpone the inevitable hour; and, though the lady looked bored, and was for ever glancing in our direction, he seemed only too willing to avail himself of his opportunities. But Raffles was moody and ill-at-ease. He had not the air of a successful man.

It is difficult to believe that a man could be chloroformed in his sleep and feel no tell-tale effects, sniff no suspicious odor, in the morning. Nevertheless, von Heumann reappeared as though nothing had happened to him, his German cap over his eyes and his mustaches brushing the peak.

Raffles stood at the door, frowning out upon the Solent, but for an instant he turned to me with a sniff. "My good fellow, do you suppose the whole ship's company knows there's a gem like that aboard? You said that it was worth a hundred thousand pounds; in Berlin they say it's priceless. I doubt if the skipper himself knows that von Heumann has it on him." "And he has?" "Must have."