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"You really think so, my dear? How very odd!" remarks papa. Little Het looks up from her dismal corner with a faint smile of humour. Theo's secret is a secret for nobody in the house, it seems. Can any young people guess what it is? Our young lady continues to read: "'Spencer has asked the famous Mr.

You seem sort of het up." "W-Woman, c-come w-with m-me!" spluttered Mr. Beaver. He strutted round the room, well out of the Captain's reach, and back again toward the door, looking for the world like a young barnyard fowl. But his wife did not follow. "She ain't going just yet.

I like their skirting as ill as he does, I can tell him; I'm sure I often wish there was a het peat doun their throats when they set them up that gate."

'Tak him up to the garret. Betty 'ill ha' ta'en a tub o' het water up there 'gen this time, and ye maun see that he washes himsel' frae heid to fut, or he s' no bide an 'oor i' my hoose. Gang awa' an' see till 't this minute. But she detained them yet awhile with various directions in regard of cleansing, for the carrying out of which Robert was only too glad to give his word.

"She shore do that," ejaculated Mr. Turner, proud of his noted hospitality. "So I made up a fire hasty in the yard and put on a coffee pot," the girl continued. "I had some corn pone and bacon my mammy had give me fer a snack and I het that up.

They began very slowly at first, till Easter, glancing aside at Clayton and seeing his face deepen with interest, and urged by the remonstrance of het father, the remarks of the onlookers, and the increasing abandon of the music, gave herself up to the dance. The young mountaineer was no mean partner.

"Ye'll fortify it wi' a dram," she told him, and produced a black bottle from her cupboard. "My father aye said that guid whisky and het tea keepit the doctor's gig oot o' the close." The back door opened and Napoleon entered, his thin shanks blue with cold. He saluted and made his report in a voice shrill with excitement. "The Tower has fallen.

"Wal," said Walky, "I b'lieve we could give the little shavers a better chance to l'arn their A, B, C's. And that old schoolhouse can't be het on re'l cold days. And it's as onhandy as it can be " "I believe you're goin' in for these new-fangled notions, too, Walky," declared the druggist. "Guess I be, on the school question, anyway.

Charley did not seem to have any very strong desire for witnessing the devotional exercises of good Mr. Whitfield and his congregation, and proposed that George Warrington should take Hetty in; but Het was not to be denied.

"Well, you needn't get het up about it," said he; "I hain't to blame no matter whose daughter she wasn't. She can travel with me any time she wants to. Kind of a toppy, fast-goin', tricky little rip, with a sorrel mane." "I don't understand it," said I. "Did you notice his wife whether she seemed to be feeling well?" "Looked bad," said he.