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"I should think so," said Mrs. Allen; "remember she is the minister's wife." "Minister's wife!" repeated Mrs. Barton, and with much scorn. "And then them children of hern. Lord be praised I never brought such things as them into the world. That was her fine nuss as she must get down from London; and pretty creaturs they are!" "Hush, hush; George has one of them, and she is mine."

The Count von Hern travels by the Lusitania only because it was reported that Sirdeller at the last minute changed his mind, and was travelling by that boat. Mix these things up in your brain the conjurer's hat, let us call it," Sogrange concluded, laying his hand upon Peter's arm.

"Well," sais I, "there is, between you and me, a young lady here to the southern part of this province I have set my heart on, though whether she is agoin' to give me hern, or give me the mitten, I ain't quite sartified, but I rather kinder sorter guess the first, than kinder sorter not so." I just throwed that in that she mightn't misunderstand me.

That chin, and them waverin'-lookin', amiable lips, wouldn't have stirred a step out of their ways to get ruined and disgraced: they wouldn't have took the trouble to. And for a year or so he and the chin kep' out of the way of temptation, or ruther temptation kep' out of their way; and Cicely was happy, radiently happy, as only such a nature as hern can be.

But Miss Marcia Drummond looked wistfully over her shoulder at the cat-boat's lessening sail, and wished that she too were going to spend a night under the pines. A little way up the river they passed the packet boat, a little belated and heavily laden, but moving steadily. "Look at old Step-an'-fetch-it," said Seth. "She spears all the little winds with that peakéd sail o' hern.

She used to have some of her niggers tied up every day, and flogged uncommon severe, and their screams and screeches were horrid no soul could stand it; nothin was heerd all day, but OH LORD MISSUS! OH LORD MISSUS! Enoch was fairly sick of the sound, for he was a tender hearted man, and says he to her one day, 'Now do marm find out some other place to give your cattle the cowskin, for it worries me to hear em take on so dreadful bad I cant stand it, I vow; they are flesh and blood as well as we be, though the meat is a different color' but It was no good she jist up and told him to mind his own business, and she guessed she'd mind hern.

And last night when she kep' a sinking and sinking, and turned away her head and didn't know him no mo', it was fitten to make a body's heart break to see him climb onto the bed and lay his cheek agin hern and call her so pitiful and she not answer.

Why do you keep me dansing on the stepps before them gurls at the windows? Was it that stuckup Saint, Miss Brooks, that you were afraid of, my deer? Oh, you faithless trater! Wait till I ketch you! I'll tear your eyes out and hern!"

Being unhurt, he was resentful' "They ain't none o' yer feet, nohow," he grumbled, making a fresh start at less speed. "Oh, yes, Sol," said the old grandfather, enjoying the contretemps and the sentiment of revolt against Meddlesome's iron rule. "Everything belongs ter Meddlesome one way or another, 'ca'se she jes makes it hern. So take keer of yer feet for her sake."

"It was lost here last night," continues Crene, in a soliloquizing undertone, pushing investigating glances beneath the sofas. "I do' know nothin' about it. I 'a'n't took it"; and the Gnome tosses her head back defiantly. "I seen the lady when she was a-writin' of her letter, and when she went out ther' wa'n't nothin' left on the table but a hangkerchuf, and that wa'n't hern.