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Hereward made no reply to the sentinel's speech, but pressed forward into a knot of his fellow-soldiers who were assembled in the court, half-armed, or, more properly, in total disarray, as just arisen from their beds, and huddled around the trumpets of their corps, which were drawn out in full pomp.

The fens of Ely, in whose recesses Hereward the Wake had defied the Conqueror, now became the stronghold of a Norman revolt. A baron and a bishop, Baldwin de Revier and Lenior, Bishop of Ely, built stone intrenchments on the island, and defied the king from behind the watery shelter of the fens. Hither flocked the partisans of Maud; hither came Stephen, filled with warlike fury.

But she knew that it was the right, and knightly, and Christian thing to do. Two days after, a long ship ran out of Calais, and sailed away north and east. It may have been well, a week after, that Hereward rode from the direction of Boston, with Martin running at his heels.

"You talk of a folly," answered Hereward, "at which childhood gapes and manhood smiles." "On the contrary," said the sage, "I talk of a longing wish which every man feels at the bottom of his heart, to hold communication with beings more powerful than himself, and who are not naturally accessible to our organs.

"You have done us good service, Harold Naemansson, as it pleases you to be called," said Baldwin, smiling. "But some man's son you are, if ever I saw a gallant knight earl-born by his looks as well as his deeds." Hereward bowed. "And for me," said Robert, "Naemansson or earl's son, here is my Viking's welcome to all Vikings like myself." And he held out his hand. Hereward took it.

"Have you any little jars, jars no longer than my hand?" asked she; for she used them in her trade, and had broken one of late: but to pay for one, she had neither money nor mind. So she agreed to let Hereward sleep there, for the value of two jars. "But what of that ugly brute of a horse of thine?" "She will do well enough in the turf-shed." "Then thou must pay with a pannikin."

"It needs not," said the Varangian, somewhat coldly; "my highest ambition is to merit the epitaph upon my tomb, 'Hereward was faithful. I am about, however, to demand a proof of your imperial confidence, which, perhaps, you may think a startling one." "Indeed!" said the Emperor. "What, in one word, is thy demand?"

No, the company were drinking tea, at the other end of the room. And now the Duke of Hereward, with a tea-cup in his hand, sauntered toward them, saying, as he reached the stand: "Lady C. has just been telling me that you are showing the duchess some interesting family pictures there among the rest, those of your belle fiancee. When shall I congratulate you, Count?"

The Abbey of Peterborough, with its Norman abbot, was an object of his special detestation, and more than once Turold and his monks were put to flight, while the abbey yielded up a share of its treasures to the bold assailants. How long Hereward and his men dwelt in the greenwood we are not able to say.

She cast a passing glance at the girl who lay by her, sleeping a pure and gentle sleep "O that thou hadst but been a boy!" Then she thought no more of her, not even of Hereward: but all of which she was conscious was a breast and brain bursting; an intolerable choking, from which she must escape. She ran, and ran on, for miles. She knew not whether the night was light or dark, warm or cold.