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Hereward kissed her feet again and again, calling her his prophetess, his savior. "Burn! yes, like tinder, in this March wind, if the drought only holds. Pray that the drought may hold, Torfrida." "There, there, say no more. How hard-hearted war makes even us women! There, help me to take off this rough sackcloth, and dress myself again."

But he kept his own counsel for the sake of gaining still more information. And, at length, the full revelation and confirmation of all that he had suspected came to him in a manner and by means his mother had never foreseen or provided against. Valerie had made a will leaving all her property to her son, and appointing the Duke of Hereward as his guardian.

Take my advice keep out of the way of discovery Keep thy friend's counsel." The Man of the Wood uttered a chattering noise in return to this address. "I understand thee," said Hereward, "thou wilt tell no tales, thou sayest; and faith, I will trust thee rather than the better part of my own two-legged race, who are eternally circumventing or murdering each other."

The weary months ran on, from summer into winter, and winter into summer again, for two years and more, and neither Torfrida nor Hereward were the better for them. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: and a sick heart is but too apt to be a peevish one. So there were fits of despondency, jars, mutual recriminations. "If I had not taken your advice, I should not have been here."

"Besieged we are," said the man; and then, partly to turn the subject off, "Will it please you to eat, noble sir?" Hereward ate and drank: while his hosts eyed him, not without some lingering suspicion, but still with admiration and some respect.

I am the King of England, man, and I know your tongue, though I speak it not yet, more pity." Hereward fell on his knees. "If you are indeed my Lord the King, then I am safe; for there is justice in you, at least so all men say." And he told his tale, manfully. "Splendeur Dex! but this is a far likelier story, and I believe it. Hark you, you ruffians!

So said Hereward, and took the rudder into his own hand. "Now then," as she rushed into the breakers, "pull together, rowers all, and with a will." The men yelled, and sprang from the thwarts as they tugged at the oars. The sea boiled past them, surged into the waist, blinded them with spray.

"Hillo, knaves!" said he, seeing the two, "are you here eavesdropping? out of the castle this instant, on your lives." Which hint those two witty knaves took on the spot. A few days after, Hereward was travelling toward Buckingham, chained upon a horse, with Sir Robert and his men, and a goodly company of knights belonging to Ivo.

Its scene is too near for his fine imagination to work poetically, and it is too much of a sermon and pamphlet to be worth a second, or a third reading; and as to Hereward the Wake, I must confess to not having been able to complete even a first reading, and that after sundry trials.

But where a man looks to the salvation of his own soul, he must needs think thereof seriously, at least." "O, are you at that?" thought Hereward. "Tout est perdu. The question is, Earl," said he aloud, "simply this: How many men can you raise off this shire?" "I have raised not so many as I could wish. Harold and Edith's men have joined me fairly well; but your nephew, Morcar's "