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"Are we to stop long here, Mister Turnkey?" asked Ben, as he was about to follow. The man vouchsafed no reply, but again pointed to the cell. "I've always heered ye wos a purlite nation," said Ben, as he followed his messmate; "but there's room for improvement." The door was shut, and the two friends stood for a few minutes in the centre of their cell, gazing in silence around the blank walls.

"Foots soon gets hard when you ain't got no shoes. Nature soles and heels them with her own leather. Lots of our chaps have chucked their boots away, and don't mind a bit. There was plenty of foots in the world, me boy, before there was any brogues. I heered O'Grady say that one day to one of our chaps who had had his boots stolen. I say, what are they going to do?"

"Is it true that the White Lady has been seen since Mr. Glenthorpe was murdered?" "She's been heered, shure enough. Billy Backlog, who lives closest to the rise, was a-tellin' us in the Anchor bar that she woke him up two nights arter th' murder, a-yowlin' like an old tomcat, but Billy knew it worn't a cat it weer far more fearsome, wi gasps at th' end.

"I didn't, Dick Smithson; but I heered enough to show as S'Mark I I beg your pardon." Dick started; but he said nothing, and Jerry went on. "As your cousin's feeling his way with Mr Lacey and, if he is, it means betting and play, and bleeding of him orful. Couldn't you give him a hint, as someone we knows ain't to be trusted?" Dick was silent for a few moments, and then said between his teeth

Presently, one of them turned around to me and said: "Is it Dave Dutton ye're askin' about?" "Yes," I replied, "that's his name." "Well, I think he's dead," said he. At this, I began to feel uneasy, and I could see that my wife shared my trouble. Then the other farmer spoke up. "I don't believe he's dead, Hiram," said he to his companion "I heered of him this spring.

It only came but once: and Bede hissed through his teeth, a cryin' too, a'most: 'Ain't thar' no other way to werry us, but they must come in here to drown afore our very eyes! A fool's ventur'! what could ye expect but a fool's end! Ef he must drown, let the red-haired devil drown! "But when they heered it, them two, him and George Olver, I knowed how it would be. I hardly durst to look.

"And was that all?" "No, sir; for I heered the skipper say, `Anyone been in the cabin? And when no one spoke he began to cuss 'em for a set o' idgits, and they all went below with the lanthorn, and come up again along o' you. My word, Mr Vandean, sir, how you must have slep'!" "Oh, Tom Fillot!" cried Mark again. "Yes, and it is `Oh, Tom Fillot, sir," groaned the poor fellow.

And another, "I know what I'll say that I heered a row, jumped out of my bunk, got a jolly good crack on the jaw for my pains, and sailed in myself. Couldn't tell who or what it was in the dark and just hit out." "An' 'twas me you hit, of course," Kelly seconded, his face brightening for the moment.

Courtrey thinks he owns Lost Valley, an' he comes near doin' it, what with his hired killers, Wylackie an' Black Bart an' this new gun man that's just come in. I heered today he's from Arizona, an' imported article." Jameson turned to him and held out his hand. "I'm goin' to ride tomorrow," he said. Hill grasped the extended hand and looked hard in the other's eyes. "Me, too," he said.

The wives of a saint are safe; paradise is in store for 'em; and that's why the Gentiles' wives them folks that's for ever riling at us leave their husbands to marry the saints." "Does the saints' wives ever leave 'em to marry them others the Gentiles?" asked that troublesome Davies. "Such cases have been heered of," responded Brother Jarrum, shaking his head with a grave solemnity of manner.