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We must reach some solution, some shadow of consent; for without that, eager talk becomes a torture. But we do not wish to reach it cheaply, or quickly, or without the tussle and effort wherein pleasure lies. The very best talker, with me, is one whom I shall call Spring- Heel'd Jack. I say so, because I never knew any one who mingled so largely the possible ingredients of converse.

They differ scarce any thing in Plume or Bigness, only I never heard this Whistle, as the English one does; especially after Rain. We have several Species of Birds call'd Sparrows, one of them much resembling the Bird call'd a Corinthian Sparrow. He is colour'd and heel'd as the Lark is; but his Breast is of a glittering fair Lemon-Colour, and he is as big as a Fieldfare, and very fine Food.

"She wore off a Narrow Stript pinck Cherredary Goun turn'd up with a little flour'd red & white Callico. A Stript Homespun Quilted Petticoat, a plain muslin Apron, a suit of plain Pinners & a red & white flower'd knot, also a pair of green Stone Earrings with White Cotton Stockings & Leather heel'd Wooden Shoes."

We had no Worms till we came to this place: For when we Careen'd at the Marias, the Worm had not touch'd us; nor at Guam, for there we scrubb'd; nor after we came to the Island Mindanao; for at the S.E. end of the Island we heel'd and scrubb'd also.

Inflammation came on too; and, to make an ugly story short, they were obliged to take off his hand at the rist. He bore it, in cors, like a Trojin, and in a month he too was well, and his wound heel'd; but I never see a man look so like a devvle as he used sometimes, when he looked down at the stump! To be sure, in Miss Griffinses eyes, this only indeerd him the mor.