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Tilly went off into a spasm of hysterical giggles and denials, and the shoulders of the two old men beside the stove began to heave with suppressed laughter. "Oh, well, you're not married yet," cried the Major briskly. "You come along and enlist in our Highland Battalion. What's your name?"

The bustle, however, gradually ceased, and in a few minutes the same silence pervaded the ship as before. "We are brought-to, sir," said Griffith, who stood overlooking the scene, holding in one hand a short speaking, trumpet, and grasping with the other one of the shrouds of the ship, to steady himself in the position he had taken on a gun. "Heave round, sir," was the calm reply.

They caught the man by his leg and arm, and swung him three times backwards and forwards with tremendous violence. Then, with a frightful heave they shot the poor wretch over the precipice. With such force did they throw him that he curved high in the air before beginning to drop.

The inky clouds, which seemed to heave like black masses of cotton wool far down in the abyss, left the imagination to perform acrobatic feats as it attempted to picture the possible depths that lay below. The thing was weird, terrible, fear-inspiring. It looked like a mighty crucible in which infernal things might have been manufactured in the days when the world was taking shape.

Dang it, lass, thou'rt in luck I didn't heave a brick at thee when I saw thee first. 'I'll complain of you to my uncle, I replied. 'So do, and and 'appen thou'lt find thyself in the wrong box, lass; thou canst na' say I set the dogs arter thee, nor cau'd thee so much as a wry name, nor heave a stone at thee did I? Well? and where's the complaint then? I simply answered, rather fiercely,

"Sure, it's a true proverb that says `doctor's differ," retorted O'Connor, "for most o' the saw-bones of my acquaintance have smoked like lime kilns." "More's the pity, Terrence, but if you'll heave on some more firewood you'll have a smoke that may do as a substitute at present."

This ill-directed fleet had been hustled into port by the pressure of the well-manned and well-commanded British, who had pinned them there ever since, so that they had never had an opportunity of learning seamanship. Their harbour drill and their harbour gunnery had been of no service when sails had to be trimmed and broadsides fired on the heave of an Atlantic swell.

A few seconds later he was waist-deep in the swift icy current, savagely endeavoring to drag the animal toward the bank, while Lisle stood near him, breathing hard, with a red hunting-knife in his hand. "Steady!" gasped Lisle. "You can't do it that way! Help me throw the beast on his side. Now heave!" They got the deer out, and Nasmyth sat down limply.

"But she looked so ugly that I shut up prompt, though I done a heap of thinkin'. On we went and, as we turned the next 'buoy, there, ahead of us, was another auto, somethin' like ours, with only one person in it, a man, and goin' in the same direction we was, though not quite so fast. "Then I WAS scart. 'Hi, Jonadab! I sings out. 'Heave to! Come about! Shorten sail! Do you want to run him down?

M. Étienne stopped to heave a sigh of thanksgiving. "I thought we were done for that time!" he panted. "Mordieu! another scored off Lucas! Come, let us make good time home! 'Twere wise to be inside our gates when he gets out of that closet." We made good time, ever listening for the haro after us. But we heard it not. We came unmolested up the street at the back, of the Hôtel St.