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I should not have sent him if I had known it." "It is just as well as it is, Ferguson; it will give me an opportunity of specially recommending him for promotion in my report. The assistant surgeon temporarily bandaged his arm when he reached the ship." "Is she afloat, sir?" "No; I want you back as soon as possible. We shall have to get out the anchors and heave on them.

"It matters little what they were," said the second mate, who was attending to that duty; "they were pirates, and have escaped the rope they deserved of that there's no doubt. Heave them overboard." Not a moment was to be lost in repairing damages. All hands now set to work to fish the masts and spars, and repair and splice the standing and running rigging.

Everything in the world had wings but himself, the only one who really needed them. Once he slipped, and hung sprawling over Eternity. The grass, tough as wire, and wound about his hands, stood his friend. He recovered foothold. On again with battering heart. The top was not far now. Hope began to flutter in his breast. It seemed to heave him upwards. The way grew steeper and more steep.

Tom stooped and picked up a clod of earth, and Pete ducked his head, the motion causing his toes to slip out of a crevice between two bricks, and he disappeared, but only to scramble up again. "You heave that at me," he cried fiercely, "and I'll come over and smash yer."

There was nothing farther from the intention of the old gentleman than such submission, which he flatly refused to pay, alleging that he had already compelled his enemy to clap on all sails, and that his own present misfortune was owing to accident; all one as if a ship should be attacked, after she had been obliged to heave her guns overboard in a storm.

Thus our country, which cherished self-restraint as its native quality, has gone begging to our neighbours for luxury; whose allurements so charmed Ingild, that he did not think it shameful to requite wrongs with kindness; nor did the grievous murder of his father make him heave one sigh of bitterness when it crossed his mind. But the queen would not depart without effecting her purpose.

The time was that dull interval in a woodlander's life which coincides with great activity in the life of the woodland itself a period following the close of the winter tree-cutting, and preceding the barking season, when the saps are just beginning to heave with the force of hydraulic lifts inside all the trunks of the forest.

Cut down a pine forest, where an oak has not been seen for a century, and oak shrubbery will spring up. Heave out upon the surface a pile of earth that has lain hidden from the eyes of a dozen generations, and forthwith it will grow green with weeds.

On issuing from the cave, he saw that the fierce robber was the only one captured, and that he was on the point of receiving summary justice, for Simek and Okiok had hold of his arms, while Arbalik and Ippegoo held his legs and bore him to the edge of the cliff. "Now then!" cried Simek. "Stop, stop!" shouted Rooney. "One two heave!" cried Okiok.

He lifted himself onto the sill of the first window, bumping his nose sharply against the pane of the glass. Then began the more difficult task. He straightened and fixed his fingers firmly on the ledge above him, waiting until his palm and the fingertips had sweated into a steady grip. Then he stepped as far as possible to one side and sprang up with a great heave of the shoulders.