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"I couldn' see, I wuz cryin' so myse'f, an' ev'ybody wuz cryin'. But dey went in arfter a while in de parlor, an' shet de do'; an' I heahd 'em say, Miss Anne she tuk de coffin in her arms an' kissed it, an' kissed Marse Chan, an' call 'im by his name, an' her darlin', an' ole missis lef' her cryin' in dyar tell some on 'em went in, an' found her done faint on de flo'.

"They must have scahd the res' of the cyclones off, too, becawse with them and the forks of the rivahs, they haven't been seen or heahd of aroun' these pahts since." "Exceptin' the tail end of that one that moved me," Cyclona reminded him. "And what about me?" questioned Charlie. "Oh, yes.

May I ahsk you-ah names, and may I wequest youah pwesence to-night, both to ensuah the ar fulfillment of the vehbal contwact which you have heahd, and to pwevent the wepetition of this scandalous scene?" He opened the door. "Aw wevoah, gentlemen!" By this time he was in the elevator. From this coign of vantage he sent a Parthian shaft. "Till eight o'clock, Mistah ah Tomkinson!"

"And I've heahd from a reliable source that he's planned to raid yo'." The others paled at the mention of The Terror. But Modoc raised his voice in fury. "Who are yuh goin' to believe?" he shouted. "This upstart, or me? Why, for all we know" his voice dropped to a taunting sneer "he might be a spy for The Terror himself probably measurin' the strength of our outfit!"

"Come out o' heah," I heard him call to someone behind him. "Heah's Massa Buffalo Bill." Then he sang out to me: "Massa Bill, is you got any hahdtack?" "Nary a bit of hardtack, but the wagons will be along presently, and you can get all you want." "Dat's de best news Ah's heahd fo' sixteen long days, Massa Bill." "Where's your command? Where's General Penrose?" I demanded.

Sarah suddenly ran down the walk on either side of which blossomed old fashioned flowers, Marsh Marigolds, Johnny-Jump-Ups and Brown-Eyed Susans. She stood at the front gate, which swung on its hinges, leaning over it, looking down the road. "I thoat I heahd the stage," she called back. "Yes. Suah enuf. Heah it is, comin'."

"De redcoats, de British sojuhs, suh; dey 'se fohty boat-loads ob 'em; dey'se come off fum de lil' sloop out in de ribah, and dey 'se gwine kill we all, and bu'n de house down. Dey done shot Mars' Blodgett, and dey'se coming heah special to get you, suh, Mars' Kunnel, kase I heahd dem say, when I was lyin' down on de wha'f, dat de man dey wanted was dat Kunnel Wilton."