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One tried to take the China Cat away from the other, and in the scramble a chair was upset and the toy nearly fell to the floor. "This is the most dreadful place I was ever in!" thought the China Cat, who, of course, could do nothing to save herself. "If they let me fall I shall be broken, all dirty and soiled as I am." But Jeff was not going to let that happen. "Heah!

Rob Moore led the charge, and two strangers were following hard behind. "It's the MacIntyre boys," exclaimed the Little Colonel, shading her eyes with her hand and then half turning in her saddle to explain to the girls. "It's Malcolm and Keith. You'll like them. They stayed out heah with their grandmothah one whole wintah, and they used to come up to ou' house lots.

"I think he's really the hombre behind Major Stover," Wise spoke up. "He owns the ranch to the north o' the S Bar, and from what I hear, Stover has been tryin' to buy it fer him." "Oh," The Kid murmured, "let's wait fo' him then, and heah what he has to say." Accordingly, the four men drew up to a halt and wheeled about to face the oncoming ranchman.

"It's the first time I remember when he worked on an invention without telling me something about it," mused Ned. "Well, I suppose it will all come out in good time. Anything new, Rad?" "No, Massa Ned, nuffin much. I'm detectin' around heah; keepin' Dutchmen spies away!" "And Koku is helping you, I suppose?" "Whut, him? Dat big, good-fo'-nuffin white trash? No, sah!

The brightness of Zenie's smile began to fade. "Yas'm. Yas'm, reckon I could." She turned her attention to the child in her arms and her voice, as she continued, was liquid soft. "Zeke's doin' so good I ain' aim to wuk out no mo'. Jes' keep house heah fo' him."

My God, woman!" this with sudden energy, "do you think I kin bring a cow to life that's been kilt by the old railroad kyahs? I ain't no 'vangelist." "You kain't bring old Muley to life," said Sarah Ann Bowles, "but then " "Well, but then! But whut? Whut you goin' to do? I reckon you do whut you do, huh! You just walk the track and come heah after melk, I reckon, if you want it.

He doubled the wages of those who had been hired. Then he divided what was left with Blinky. "My Gawd!" gasped that worthy, gazing with distended eyes at the enormous roll of bills. "My Gawd! ... How much heah?" "Count it, you wild-eyed cowpuncher," replied Pan happily. "It's your half." "But, pard, it's too much," appealed Blinky. "Shore I'm robbin' you. This was your drive."

In a few moments, another bounced out before one of the dogs and went dashing across the field. Two shots followed her; but she kept on till at last one of the boys secured her. We were going down the slope when Peter called in great excitement, "Heah a ole hyah settin' in her haid. Come heah, Dan, quick! Gi' me your gun; le' me git him!"

There were books and magazines scattered all among the pillows. "Heah is yo' room!" cried Lloyd, throwing open a door at the head of the stairs, and leading the way in. Betty followed, her sunbonnet in her hand, and looked around her like one in a dream. She had never imagined a room could be so beautiful.

Magic trees growing so quickly in the lush black soil of the prairie once we get them started, the soil so neah the undahground streams by the rivahs heah, that the angels would look down in wondahment. "They would, to see how quickly they would grow. Such trees would tempah the winds that blow so now because they have full sweep, because there is nothin' to stop them.