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"Well, cats or queens, it doesn't make any difference what you call it," said the Little Colonel, "it's the stupidest night I evah saw. I wish something would happen. It seems ages since we have done anything lively. Now that we are ovah the measles it's wastin' time to be sittin' heah so poky and stupid. What can we do, mothah?" "Let's tell ghost stories," said Mrs.

"Ain't nobody said anything about gold watches or money or banks," he replied stiffly. "There's stores in Calhoun, and there's men in this heah outfit what needs new shirts or new breeches. And since when have you seen any paymaster ridin' down the pike with his bags full of bills, not that you can use that paper stuff for anythin' like shoppin', anyway!" "Thanks for the tip," Drew cut in.

"We can't go ashore, even to get water. Those cursed heathen are laying to butcher us. Guns pointed at friends and shipmates is no kind of a 'welcome home." "Give us the money, then " Roger began. The cook interrupted him in an undertone that was plainly audible though probably not intended for all ears. "Yeee-ah! Heah dat yeh man discribblate! He don't like guns pointed at shipmates, hey?

The turbaned figure of Aunt Keziah loomed from behind the woodpile. "What dat I heah 'bout you gwine to de wah, nigger, what dat I heah?" Bob laughed but it was a laugh of propitiation. "Law, mammy. I was jes projeckin' wid Young Cap'n."

After a few moments one of the field-hands, followed by Seymour, burst panting into the room, his mouth working with excitement and his eyes almost starting from his head. "Well, sir, what is it?" said the colonel. "Foh de Lawd's sake, suh, dey'se a-comin', suh, dey'se a-comin'. Dey'se right behin' me; dey'll be heah in a minute, suh." "Who is coming, you idiot!" exclaimed the colonel.

Of course Mr. Preston didn't have much information to go on, but well, we'll have to wait that's all. But I'm sure San Pedro and the others were in a blue funk and vamoosed on that account." "Hey, Massa Tom!" suddenly called Eradicate. "Heah am a letter I found on de baggage," and he ran forward with a missive, rudely scrawled on a scrap of paper.

"Miss Majesty, all I said is not the half, nor the quarter, nor nuthin' of what's troublin' me," answered he, sadly. "Very well; unburden yourself." "Wal, the cowboys, exceptin' Gene, have gone plumb batty, jest plain crazy over this heah game of gol-lof." A merry peal of mirth greeted Stillwell's solemn assertion. "Oh, Stillwell, you are in fun," replied Madeline.

I want to see your mistress." The negress did not admit her, however. She let her stand in the vestibule and went back to the foot of a staircase. "One of these heah nurses from the hospital!" she said. "She wants to come in and speak to you." "Let her in, you fool!" replied a voice from above stairs. The rest was rather confused.

"I did," the Judge would answer laconically; and on this particular day it seemed from the gathering scowl that he was about to add something more emphatic, but neighbors had already begun to drop in to admire his son, and the conversation drifted. "Heah that John is livenin' things up at the darky school," volunteered the postmaster, after a pause. "What now?" asked the Judge, sharply.

Presently they reached the turn in the road, opposite the cottage Carley had noticed yesterday, and here her loquacious escort halted. "You take the trail heah," he said, pointing it out, "an' foller it into West Fork. So long, an' don't forget we're goin' huntin' turkeys." Carley smiled her thanks, and, taking to the trail, she stepped out briskly, now giving attention to her surroundings.