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Stebbins whether he can come or not." "He’ll come," said Joshua; and then he backed the horse so suddenly that the buggy wheel nearly went over Lucinda. "She says this is an awful day—" began Lucinda. Joshua got into the buggy and tucked the rubber blanket around himself. "She says—" Joshua drove out of the barn and away. Lucinda went slowly back to the house.

He does not want wiling any more than I,” said Juba, “I dare say! he’s no Christian.” “What’s that?” said his uncle, looking round at him in surprise; “Agellius no Christian?” “Not a bit of it,” answered Juba; “rest assured. I taxed him with it only last night; let him alone, he’ll come round. He’s too proud to change, that’s all.

If you were a blackguard dragoon, indeed, with long spurs, ’twere another thing; as it is, he’ll treat you as if he were the elder brother that loves you. Ride! he’ll soon teach you to ride if you leave the matter with him. He’s the best riding-master in all Ireland, and the gentlest.’ The cob was led forth; what a tremendous creature!

Fanny received him very politely, but said playfully, "I was in hopes, Mr. Cameron, that you would prove to be my cousin." Mr. Middleton immediately answered, "No, dear Fanny, he is not your cousin, but he seems very desirous of becoming my nephew." Fanny did not apply this to herself, but answered very demurely, "I don’t know what he’ll do, uncle.

He’ll not throw you on the gate, for he doesn’t trot as fast as a black ant can walk!" Accordingly Aleck was saddled and bridled and Mr. Wilmot was soon mounted and, with his subscription paper in his pocket, was riding off after subscribers. He was very successful; and when at night he turned his face homeward, he had the names of fifteen scholars and the partial promise of five more.

If anything is wrong with your nose, they send you to Paris: there, they say, is a European specialist who cures noses. If you go to Paris, he’ll look at your nose; I can only cure your right nostril, he’ll tell you, for I don’t cure the left nostril, that’s not my speciality, but go to Vienna, there there’s a specialist who will cure your left nostril. What are you to do?

But where is the painter monkey?” asked Grandpa. “I didn’t see him.” “Oh! he forgot to bring some red paint to make the blinds green or blue or some color like that,” answered the little guinea pig girl, “so he went home to get it. He’ll be back soon.” “Suppose you come outside and show me how he paints the house,” suggested Grandpa, thinking perhaps that might make Brighteyes forget her pain.

Oh, Law yes, I’m never sick. As I tell Mr. Worthington, he’ll never get rid of me, unless he hires somebody to murder me. But I tell you what, you came pretty near not having any Fanny to take away with you. She was the sickest woman! Did you tell him about it, Fanny? Come to think of it, I guess the climate down there’ll be the very thing to bring her round.” Mrs.

"He’s all shot to pieces, but they say he’ll pull through." The airman turned to Maryette: "Jack will get well," he translated bluntly. The girl, who had just refused the money offered by the American muleteer, turned sharply, became deadly white for a second, then her face flamed with a hot and splendid colour. One of the muleteers said: "Is this here his girl?" "Yes," nodded the airman.

The heroic woman swallowed a playful and inconvenient object like a billiard ball, which had tried to jump out of her throat. Winnie sat mute for a while, pouting at the front of the cab, then snapped out, which was an unusual tone with her: “I expect I’ll have a job with him at first, he’ll be that restless—” “Whatever you do, don’t let him worry your husband, my dear.”