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"If a prisoner, he may be able to get away." "Yis, yees are right; some dark night he can give the owld haythen the slip, and make thracks for the river." "And who knows but he has been able to elude them, and is only waiting until dark to hunt us up?" "Yez are right agin; I was about to obsarve the same myself."

The dull click of the lock reached the ear of the target, who asked, in a low, gruff voice: "Why do you seek me? You and I have no quarrel." "A purty question, ye murtherin' haythen! I'll settle with yees, if yees only come down here like a man. Jist play the wolf and belave me a sheep, and come down here for your supper."

Such was the potency of the mechanical repetition of the all-healing words that Tim presently found himself echoing them, and brought himself up with a jerk. "It's all haythen rubbish and cussing. The pore fule's daft wid the hate and the dust and the welt I give him. Shure it's the way I have to be sorry for the crature."

'Yes, says th' Englishman, 'I pro-pose f'r to thruly rayform this onhappy counthry, he says. 'This benighted haythen on me exthreme left has been injooced to cut out a good dale iv his wife's business, he says, 'an' go through life torminted be on'y wan spouse, he says. 'Th' r-rest will go to wurruk f'r me, he says.

Of course Dewey's action did not escape the attention of his fellow miners. It cannot be said that they regarded it with favor. The one most offended was naturally O'Reilly, who, despite the pounding he had received, was about the camp as usual. "Boys," he said, "are you goin' to have that haythen workin' alongside you?" "It won't do us any harm, will it?" asked Dick Roberts.

"Where th' ships sail out to th' risin' sun, ochone, and Home calls over th' sea, the little green isle wid its pigs an' its shanties, its fairs an' its frolics, an' the merry face av th' Father to laugh at its weddin's an' cry over its graves. Home that might make a lass forget such a haythen land as this, though God knew if it would ever get out av th' bad dreams at night!

"Thin we wint to bury our dead, for we wud not lave thim to the Paythans, an' in movin' among the haythen we nearly lost that little orf'cer bhoy. He was for givin' wan divil wather and layin' him aisy against a rock.

Then, placing a harpoon and coil of rope on the sledge, and taking up his musket, he made signs to the party to keep under the cover of a hummock, and, pushing the sledge before him, advanced towards the seals in a stooping posture, so as to be completely hid behind the bit of canvas. "Oh the haythen, I see it now!" exclaimed O'Riley, his face puckering up with fun.

Mac's hands and O'Flynn's performed the same action. Each man seemed to have his pockets full of these "What are they?" "Money-bags, me bhoy! Made out o' the fut o' the 'Lasky swan, God bless 'em! Mac cahls 'em some haythen name, but everybuddy else cahls 'em illegant money-bags!" In less than twenty minutes the steamer whistle shrieked.

Peggy has a web of frieze half made this good while; it'll be finished some time, I hope." "Ah! Jemmy, Jemmy, it's no wondher the world's the way it is, for indeed there's little thought of God or religion in it. You passed last Sunday like a haythen, an' now you see how you stand to-day for the same."